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The state of our elected leaders:
Old and cognitively in decline.

#McConnell is 81
#Feinstein is 89
#Pelosi is 82
#MaxineWaters is 83
#Fetterman 🫣🧠

Meme😂 @MyWillowMemes Image
“America is not past our prime – it’s just that our politicians are past theirs.” ~ Nikki Haley

Biden, at 80 the oldest president in US history.

Mitch McConnell, at 81 is the longest-serving leader in the history of the Senate.


a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population.

Read 4 tweets
So, shouldn't Pelosi be in trouble for ripping up #governmentdocument when she ripped up #Trumps speech at the State of the Union?
This section provides that whoever: willfully and unlawfully; conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates or destroys; or attempts to conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate or destroy; or carries away with intent to conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate or destroy; any record,
proceeding, map, book, paper, document or other thing deposited in any public office may be punished by imprisonment for three years, a $2, 000 fine, or both. This means that the defendant must act intentionally with knowledge that he is violating the law.
Read 12 tweets
🔴 #USA 🇺🇸 Coup de théâtre: #Trump se déclare prêt à devenir président de la Chambre des représentants

Kari Lake, ancienne candidate du 2022 au poste de gouverneur de l'Arizona (défaite suite à une fraude grossière) et Michael #Flynn, ancien conseiller à la sécurité nationale 🔽
de Donald #Trump, ont confirmé au Western Journal la volonté de l'ancien président de reprendre le siège actuellement occupé par Nancy #Pelosi.

Lake, dont on parle pour se présenter aux côtés de #Trump en 2024 pour la vice-présidence des États-Unis, a déclaré : 🔽
"J'ai parlé au président #Trump hier soir que ce serait formidable (de prendre la présidence de la Chambre) et qu'il devrait le faire. Je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait faire passer le Congrès de la branche la plus détestée (du gouvernement) à la branche préférée."
L'intervention 🔽
Read 6 tweets
Read 332 tweets
Netherlands, I predicted the same Furin Cleavage site that was added to SARS to create SARS-2 or COVID-19 would be added to MERS to create a “MERS-2”… Moderna’s '16 patent for the manmade Furin Cleavage site has never before been seen in nature @ErasmusMC
I dubbed the Furin Cleavage site the “smoking patent” for the now famous Wellcome Trust-Erasmus Lab-Fauci Corona Coverup Emails. Moderna applied for the very unique “smoking patent” in 2016, years before it later appeared in the Corona pandemic in 2019.
I repeated these predictions about MERS potentially being “upgraded and patented” to “MERS-2” in several subsequent books in the last two years. But we never had a potential Patient Zero for “MERS-2” before now. His name is Grant Wahl. @ErasmusMC
Read 17 tweets
I’m inside the San Francisco courtroom for David DeDape’s preliminary hearing - the man accused of breaking into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home and beating her husband, Paul Pelosi, with a hammer.

#Here’s what he’s facing:
2/ David DePape is in the courtroom in an orange jumpsuit, with long hair down to his shoulders.

They just played the 911 call made by Paul Pelosi the night of the attack.


***911 call***

Pelosi: I got a problem but he thinks everything is good…

This gentlemen came into my house and he wants to wait for my wife…

He told me not to do anything…

He’s telling me to put the phone down and do what he says…

Read 18 tweets
#Scoop: Two major law enforcement agencies investigating #Pelosi attack can't agree on who opened the door once San Francisco police arrived:

Dept. of Justice:
"The 2 officers opened the door..."

SF DA's Office:
"Mr. Pelosi opened the door with his left hand..."
A source familiar w/ the investigation, who personally watched the police body camera video, tells us SF DA's office got it right, adding that the video shows police knocking the door, then backing away. Door then opens from the inside and you can see Paul Pelosi opening it.
Does who opened the door matter? We have no reason to believe it does, but with so many conspiracy theories already swirling online, contradicting stories from investigators are only fueling falsehoods.
DOJ & DA's office did not respond to our request for comment.
Read 4 tweets
#UnitedNations issues public guidance for Monday:
#UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session re: #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine at 10a Eastern

#Putin #Zelensky Image
US State Dept issues readout of Sec State #AntonyBlinken's meeting today in #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia, with #Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro #Kuleba.

#Russia Image
WH issues stmt from US Nat'l Security Advisor #JakeSullivan re: #Russia's new missile strikes in #Ukraine:

"The [US] & our allies and partners will continue to provide Ukraine w/ what it needs to defend itself. ... We will stand w/ Ukraine for as long as it takes." Image
Read 134 tweets
How do you get people to notice crumbs?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Donald trumps restoration of power has been predetermined.

Who are these people?

#Trump #fridaymorning #QCrumb #election #cheating #Pelosi #USA #happyfriyay #Truth #TruthSocial… Image
Here's tweet.

Why is THIS important?

What distracts us from .@HillaryClinton & the Uranium One scandal?

#Russian #ElectionDay meddling?

.@POTUS45 called out #Russa hoax.

Russia hoax distracts from Uranium One & other things like stealing elections.

This looks like .@TedTurnerIII Bill Gates Sr. .@georgesoros David Rockefeller , Irene Diamond, Brook Astor & Leonore Annenberg.

Again, who are these people?

Can you connect the dots?

Where will these crumbs take us?…

#Trump #fridaymorning #QCrumb Image
Read 13 tweets
US Dept of Defense issues stmt saying US is giving #Ukraine another security-assistance package, this one worth approx $400 million.

The stmt outlines what's included in the new security-assistance package.

#Russia ImageImageImage
WH issues stmt from US Nat'l Security Council spokesperson re: US Nat'l Security Council Advisor #JakeSullivan's meeting today in #Kyiv w/ #Ukraine's president, Volodymyr #Zelensky, & other Ukrainian officials, incl. the minister of defense, Oleksii #Reznikov.

#Russia Image
WH issues readout of #Biden's convo today w/ #Germany's chancellor, #OlafScholz.

They talked re: #Scholz's trip to #China as well as #Russia & #Ukraine, among multiple topics.

On Russia & Ukraine, they talked re: Russia's nuclear threats & continuing to support Ukraine. Image
Read 109 tweets
Das #Pelosi-Attentat ist übrigens ein perfektes Beispiel für #StochastischerTerrorismus.
Es braucht nur einen labilen Menschen, bei dem die Propaganda der gewissenlosen Hetzer vom braunen Rand verfängt. /MS
Kannten Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump oder Alex Jones diesen Typen? Nein.
Aber er kannte sie, nahm jede ihrer Äußerungen für bare Münze.
Und die Hetzer nahmen solche Menschen in Kauf, sie schürten die Ängste dieses und anderer Menschen.

Mit einem hier fast tödlichen Ergebnis. /MS
Und es braucht sich wirklich niemand vormachen, das wäre ein #USA-spezifisches Problem. Bei denen ist nur die Skala von Terrorakten größer, weil da einfach so viele Hochleistungs-Schusswaffen im Umlauf sind.
Wir haben dieses Problem auch, es äußert sich nur leicht anders. /MS
Read 4 tweets
1/ San Francisco District Attorney @BrookeJenkinsSF releases new details about attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi.

She says David Depape broke a glass door to get into the Pelosi's SF home, went to 2nd floor to find Paul Pelosi sleeping in bed.
2/ Charges against Depape include attempted murder, residential burglary, assault w/ a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an elder as well as threats to a public official and their family.

DA says Depape woke up Paul Pelosi and wanted to know where his wife was.
3/ Mr. Pelosi was wearing a "loose-fitting pajama shirt & boxer shorts" when he was forced to get out of bed. He tried to access a phone in his home elevator, but Depape is accused of blocking him. Later, Pelosi asked to use bathroom and was able to call 911 with his cell phone.
Read 7 tweets
🚨#BREAKING: Partial mobilization in Russia is complete. 82,000 mobilised citizens have been sent to the conflict zone - #Russia's defense minister
🚨#UPDATE: Another 218,000 citizens are at training grounds - #Russia's defense minister
🚨#UPDATE: Man who attacked Nancy #Pelosi’s husband was armed with a hammer and was looking for the House Speaker.
Read 5 tweets
#ABC News Producer Missing Since #FBI Raid [Video] | Oct 21
- Emmy award winner James G. #Meek – a deep-dive journalist who was also a former senior counterterrorism adviser and investigator for the House Homeland SC, abruptly quit his job of 9 years…
Read 11 tweets
🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde compétitif où tout est militarisé. Tout est une arme : l'énergie, les investissements, l'information, les flux migratoires, les données, etc."

Excellent discours de @JosepBorrellF hier en ouverture de la conf. des ambassadeurs de l'UE.

THREAD 👇 Image
🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde d'incertitude radicale. La vitesse et l'ampleur du changement sont exceptionnelles. Nous ne devons pas essayer de le nier, [...] d'y résister. Nous devons l'accepter et nous y adapter, en privilégiant la flexibilité et la résilience." @JosepBorrellF
🇪🇺 "Je pense que nous, Européens, sommes confrontés à une situation dans laquelle nous subissons les conséquences d'un processus qui dure depuis des années et dans lequel nous avons découplé les sources de notre prospérité des sources de notre sécurité." @JosepBorrellF
Read 53 tweets
“Chapter 15,” titled “Creating a Totalitarian Mind:

“Recipe for The Matrix: Misinformation, Repetition, Impoverishment”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(publishing 10/2022)…

CW22Q 15/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website now & being published Oct '22)

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... #Midterms #Evangelicals #ClassWar #BlueWave #Republicans #FBR #resist

CW22Q 15/2
[Quotes/highlights:] “Money—as arrayed against music, passion, & social movements—is especially more powerful in a situation where the people have been put in financial jeopardy because of the prosperity of the rich.”

THREAD…… #Midterms #BLM

CW22Q 15/3
Read 97 tweets
🇦🇲🇺🇸 La visita di Nancy Pelosi a Yerevan dal 17 al 19 settembre per sfruttare le tensioni fra #Armenia e #Azerbaijan secondo la dottrina RAND Corporation…
Nel 2019 è stato pubblicato un documento della #RAND Corporation, il centro di ricerca #USA finanziato dal Dipartimento di Stato.
Il documento ipotizzava di sfruttare le tensioni #Armenia-#Azerbaijan per indebolire la #Russia ImageImage
Nel settembre 2022 l'#Azerbaijan (anche con armi fornite dall'alleato #USA, #Israele) ha attaccato l'#Armenia. Gli #StatiUniti si pongono a mediare, con un incontro a New York fra #Blinken e i Ministri degli Esteri armeno e azero.
Read 7 tweets
#Ucrania 🇺🇦 nuevamente avanzando en #Jersón ?
Tácticas de guerra.

Qué sucedió la última vez en #IslaDeLasSerpientes?

#Rusia 🇷🇺 se repliega, los ucranianos avanzan, luego Moscú lanza una encerrona fatal.

I. Serpientes primero fue un error de Rusia asentarse: todo misil llega. Image
Esperemos que - según mis estimaciones- primera vez que pongo fecha, el #FinDelConflicto llegue luego de las elecciones 🗳 del #8nov en los #EEUU 🇺🇸
Como decía ayer, espero no equivocarme. Como analista, salvo un “cisne negro”, antes sería otra derrota de la Adm. #Biden luego…
☢️ …otra derrota de #Biden, no de los estadounidenses (separemos), luego de la salida traumática y escandalosa de #Afganistán 🇦🇫
Tampoco es entendible la insistencia de #Biden de incluir a #Irán 🇮🇷 nuevamente en el Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (#OIEA)
Israel 🇮🇱? Image
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Exactamente @dlaje1
Muy interesante hilo.
No es menor que el @SenTedCruz incluso habló de la muerte del fiscal #Nisman “que iba a declarar contra Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”, dice, palabras más o menos.
Recién te escuché con @edufeiok e hiciste un excelente diagnóstico “escapando” a la horrible grieta que lamentablemente se vive también en EEUU 🇺🇸 desde Nov. 2022, lo que no es un hecho menor.
La grieta es brutal al punto que anoche el presidente #Biden mientras recaudó fondos antes del mitin en Rockville, #Maryland, pidió el voto de los republicanos e independientes, pero llamó “semifascistas” a los líderes de los rojos y demás críticas al #MAGA nacido de #Reagan
Read 16 tweets
Clausewitz said, in his famous work “On War” (as often cited as it is little read), that war is the continuation of diplomacy by other means, well it says a lot more things, but i will keep just a few as i do not wanna write too long.
In his chapter 1, Clausewitz refers that "war constitutes... an act of force that is carried out to force the adversary to comply with our will." War, therefore, is a duel of wills, which, in itself, is not enough, since wanting is one thing and power is another.
Does not intervene who wants but who can, as it is said in #InternationalLaw

To impose our will, we need resources, in an amount that exceeds what our adversary can muster, first of all energy.
Read 48 tweets
Je suggère que Li Zhanshu,Pdt du Comité de l'Assemblée Nation.Popul.🇨🇳 se rende en délégation à Houston pour soutenir le Parti Républicain du Texas qui exige officiellement un référendum sur l’indépendance…
⚠️ L'indépendance du Texas n'est absolument pas un sujet folklorique et les Texans partisans du "TEXIT" y sont nombreux.
Cette libération s'impose après 152 ans de colonisation par Washington (durée bien plus courte que les 212 ans de rattachement de Taïwan à l'Empire mandchou).
⚠️ Je suis persuadé que les grands soutiens au voyage de #Pelosi à #Taïwan et au droit des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes (tels @yjadot, @rglucks1, etc) vont se faire un devoir de soutenir la juste lutte des Texans indépendantistes contre le pouvoir oppresseur de Washington.
Read 6 tweets
The one-China principle brooks no distortion or challenge. The connotation of the one-China principle is crystal-clear, i.e. there is only one #China in the world & #Taiwan is part of China. The Government of the #PRC is the sole legal government representing the whole of China.
The #one-China principle is a prevailing international consensus and widely accepted basic norm in international relations. It is affirmed in #UNGA Resolution 2758. It is the political foundation for interactions between #China and all countries in the world.
181 countries have established diplomatic relations with #China on the basis of #one-China principle. This fully shows that standing up for the one-China principle is the right thing to do. It has the overwhelming support of the int'l community & represents the trend of #world.
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Quién podría imaginarse que la gran democracia occidental que es aún los #EEUU 🇺🇸 tenga en su agenda dominar al Departamento de Justicia y al FBI?
Qué ellos “importen los pañuelos verdes” un invento de #Arge🇦🇷?
Qué @CFK y #Fernández lo llamen “Juan Domingo”?
Que en su agenda principal en los #EEUU 🇺🇸 también se discutiera firmemente la apertura de las Escuelas públicas cerradas por #Biden?
Que llamen “racista” a los candidatos afroamericanos cuando son del partido republicano?
Que se discuta idioma inclusivo?
Que hayan votado algunos muertos en 2020 y antes, como en los países bananeros?
Una desilusión!
Que en las escuelas se adoctrine?
Que #Disney de 50% de contenido trans?
Si, y hasta le quitaron el apoyo ($) al @GovRonDeSantis!
Pero esto no lo dicen los medios acá?
Read 20 tweets
@DNC is getting desperate. A raid at #PresidentTrump’s home!?!?! After trying to trap him for 7 years? Must be hoping they will find his campaign plan on that computer.

And giving #Taiwán to #China?!? Must be part of the payback for the #2020Elections’ fraud.
@DNC is getting desperate. #Pelosi to #Taiwan right before they said, take it to #CCP …. Scuttlebutt it is the @DNC trying to get the #TaiwanChipManufacturer to move to the USA from #Taiwan….
Read 5 tweets

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