Shane Harris being one of the imbeciles who promoted the russian spy in DC story, promotes muh Russia, etc
BREAKING NEWS! Trump doesn't communicate with foreign officials through email! Nor did he deliver the promise over an open hot mic while sitting next to a foreign leader!
Hmmm... That's odd...
Five days before the WaPo article.
Schiff is using this to try to get access to Trump's communications, something he can't do.
Schiff and the other Dems don't want Trump to conduct diplomacy because its where Trump is doing the BEST.
They even got Shane Harris to write an article!
"It was unclear whether the whistleblower witnessed Trump’s communication with the foreign leader or learned of it through other means."
No one knows the actual content of the whistleblower complaint, not even the House Dems demanding it.
Schiff making a big stink about it, with a Wapo article and twitter trend.
The kicker is the last bit of the last paragraph. " although the administration imposed new limits on this practice after Trump’s disclosures to Russian officials were revealed."