See? ..more of what I cautioned U abt, here:
YOU MUST provide more PROACTIVE leadership: QUICKLY!
Read these & other threads: even staunch Dems can lose hope & perspective if they cannot even SEE a path..or it looks as if any door may be closing..
I realize u need to find bal betw YES/NO Reps..& remain neutral bc YOU r in direct POTUS line aftr VP..
I fail to see how YOU can fail to see that:
STATING Ds initiated
Is Way To Increase Public Support You Seek
This case is closer to Nixon, than Clinton scenario, re.,
.@JillWineBanks & Elizabeth Holtzman who were THERE, &
Read: .@tribelaw
Public support in 70s was low UNTIL PUBLIC HEARINGS but it slowly rose to majority..& will do same now
.@JillWineBanks & E Holtzman both provide blueprints fr the Nixon trial AG for Ds to follow, & .@tribelaw provides model where Dems do not even need to refer case for Senate trial aftr a House vote to impeach, but leave trmp as:
Further-it is important to get Repubs (in general AND those up for Re-election) ON RECORD of where Rs stand:
✒Supporting a would-be-king-President:
✒OR for the Constitution, rule of law, & democracy:
WE approach the tipping point-we do NOT HAVE time needed to*slowly*bring this big ship around as we did in past.. trmp is so unpredictable:
SURELY YOU KNOW history.. how Germany was abruptly flipped & people went along, right?
+Koch network...OMG!
"Democracy in Chains" @NancyMacLean5 exposes long-term R-strategy ["Deconstruct the Administrative State"] to undo most 20thC policies put in place to benefit everyday citizens, ie SocSec/Medicare/Civil Rights, etc. in favor of top 1% ie Koch Bros
🚨R/GOP/rabidRW-Libertarians & OrthodoxEvangelicalConservative-nonConservatives, the Corps, & Top 1% are periously close to gaining 1st of their goals:
If so..look to 1933Germany:
Do you or your team & other Dems EVER read or respond to constituents/citizens posts & concerns..from the bottom everyday people to YOU..OUR LEADERS..?
Or is this acct a one-way communique top-to-bottom ONLY..?
IN FULL/for ease of reading:
~here's a poss PlanB..
(sounds like option) & it's doing*something*better than doing nothin..waitin/hopin.. politic'n w/ our lives..
p.s..U don't think a nation grateful4 saving US fr peril will elect that party? #Faith