5 systematic reviews, including 100's of studies, millions of participants, RCTs, show little evidence for adverse #cancer or cardiovascular outcomes
@AnnalsofIM ★editorial- 6 papers
@aaronecarroll @DrTiff_

This does indeed fulfill the Dunning–Kruger effect
(The less people know, the more they actually think they know) owing, in part, to poor methodology/analysis/bias of #diet studies

1. Red meat may not be so bad for health risk, after all? (I haven't had for ~40 yrs)
2. ⬆️vegetarian diet by increasing choices; see @PNASNews by @eegarnett89 @MarteauTM
3. Cooked plant food ->⬆️ gut #microbiome diversity @NatureMicrobiol
@UpshotNYT nytimes.com/2019/10/01/ups… @aaronecarroll delves into the environmental hit
and @TamarHaspel has a spot on summation thread

nytimes.com/2019/10/04/wel… by @taraparkerpope @anahadoconnor via @GretchenReynold