Many of my Tweeps have now been commenting on 'Inherent Contempt' after this Congressional procedure was floated yesterday by a DEM member of one of the formal Impeachment Investigation committees.
This thead will explain WHY NOW
First, what is Inherent Contempt. IC is a legal procedure that Congress can use to throw any witness into JAIL for not responding or doing what Congress orders them to do (like provide documents) etc. It is LEGAL & was used often
Inherent Contempt has not been used in recent DECADES as most witnesses do comply (eventually) and other remedies exist. For example Bill Clinton COMPLIED with subpoena requests. Trump obviously is the exception & now IC is needed
In the Trump administration era, Inherent Contempt was not viable from 2017-2018 because GOP controlled the House. Only because DEMs won the 2018 midterms, did IC even become VIABLE as a tool to control Trump. DEMs did not RUSH it
Consider practical effect. Say Attorney General William Barr refuses to answer honestly if he's investigated someone (Joe Biden) on Trump's 'orders' - Congress can hold him in Inherent Contempt in JAIL UNTIL responds. Gets truth
Here's the problem. Inherent Contempt is the 'final' and most powerful tool Congress has to compel testimony. You cannot 'escallate' past IC. It is the LAST tool. Like declaring war. It is PRUDENT not to start with this tool
Now consider Boss of DC
Nancy Pelosi is the master of political strategy. Smartest person in DC, perhaps smartest House Chair ever. She STRATEGICALLY played Trump. Said she doesn't want Trump impeached; she wants him imprisoned
We ALL were frustrated, for the weeks and MONTHS that Pelosi would not authorize an Impeachment Inquiry into Trump.
If one was started on Mueller - Trump WOULD HAVE WON THAT contest, because of corrupt Barr etc
Pelosi was SMART
Now. With hind-sight, Pelosi has somehow managed to launch the Impeachment Inquiry at the PERFECT timing, when the DEMAND for impeachment was near 50% of nation (Nixon start with Watergate was only 38%)
Please my dear Tweeps. Trust Pelosi. She has said, she doesn't want Trump impeached, she wants him imprisoned! Means 3 things:
- Impeached by Congress
- AND convicted by Senate
- AND convicted on CRIMES when no longer POTUS
The TROUBLE with Congressional Inherent Contempt is that it is TOTALLY political. The ruling party can use it. The minority party will scream 'political farce: kangoroo court!'
IDEALLY get 'bipartisan' support for IC. Unlikely
The MORE you use Inherent Contempt, the less 'fair' it will seem to be.
This is why Pelosi has DELAYED. Even with formal Impeachment Inquiry, has not YET approved use of IC. When it comes, will be PERFECTLY timed & devastating
Consider Cory Lewandowski. Yes, that was disgusting. But do we 'waste' Inherent Contempt on the small fry? No
When William Barr refuses to IMPLICATE HIMSELF - leading to his CENSURE & RECUSAL... THAT is when DEMs bring IC
Can you see how DEVASTATING it will be for Trump, when Barr confesses to conflict of interest - & RECUSES himself relating to #Ukrainagate?
Trump will be hysterical & invent another imaginary person, this time no doubt a lawyer
Make no mistake. Pelosi signalled that this remedy is COMING, when she said, after Lewandowksi hearing that she would have held him in contempt. but Pelosi plays this SMART. Cunning. She is SCARING the Trumpists now. She is SMART
At this point, the mere THREAT of Inherent Contempt is scaring sane people inside White House, peeling away more defections and whistleblowers. when IC is used, it will be EPIC - and JUSTIFIED
Have faith, my Tweeps