Oct 10th 2019, 5 tweets, 8 min read
"Information theory, predictability, and the emergence of complex life"

SFI Seminar by Luis F Seoane of @IFISC_mallorca, streaming now:
"The size of the #environment in some ways captures the #complexity...longer words take longer and longer to sample. This means in smaller environments, smaller words mean more."

- Luís Seoane of @IFISC_mallorca on #information right now:

"More-complex bit guessers are going to survive in a wider variety of environments. But a more-complex guesser is going to pay a higher metabolic cost."

- Luís Seoane of @IFISC_mallorca

Streaming now:

#computation #intelligence #evolution
"When you get a lot of reward for every bit you guess correctly, it doesn't pay off to get more complex. When we introduce a #parasite, the average #complexity of our #ecosystem gets higher, but the point of #collapse gets lower."

- Luís Seoane (@IFISC_mallorca) at SFI
#PunctuatedEquilibrium emerges spontaneously out of a minimal toy model of #parasites, based solely upon information-theoretical elements (bit-guessing) - in which #RedQueen competition drives greater #complexity.

Luís Seoane of @IFISC_mallorca now:
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