Join me Fridays for #RogerRetold, celebrating Roger’s thoughts and words in the book that didn’t make it into the show.

#RogerRetold, the contextual written words & thoughts of #RogerMac
@RonDMoore @TheMattBRoberts

#RogerRetold presents character context through Roger’s words and thoughts that didn’t make it into the #Outlander show.

#RogerRetold brings context to Roger with book words and thoughts.

#RogerRetold celebrates Roger's thoughts and words that didn't make it into the show.

#RogerRetold celebrates Roger's book words & thoughts.

This week there is a little bit of homework! (No test) Read these passages for some background on this Friday's conversation.

She DID say she loved him.
#RogerRetold celebrates R's (and B's) book words and thoughts. Text next tweet.

B was not wild, sexually progressive nor active.
She held traditional Catholic values.
The book makes a big deal about this.
R calls her a good Catholic girl and a virgin because she is.
It is a bemused observation, not a judgement.

#RogerRetold gives book context.


#RogerRetold gives book context to the #Outlander show through a celebration of Roger's words and thoughts.