More "You're the Puppet" propaganda technique
This time from Rudy Giuliani. No surprise.
(If you missed yesterday's thread, it's here⤵️)
@samstein points out that Rudy spent months arguing that Hunter was paid an absurd amount of money for political connections. . .
But that's really the least of it.
Giuliani purports to be fighting corruption.
Let's talk about that 500K.
He was paid by a company co-founded by Parnas and Fruman. . .
Indictment here:…
No doubt Rudy was paid Russian or Ukrainian money.
So do Parnas and Fruman, who have been described as con artists.
Giuliani, who lies as fluidly as Trump, says this:
Spoiler: They stole it from the Russian & Ukrainian people.
That's why Manafort's daughter referred to dad's Ukrainian wealth as blood money.…
But democracy never took hold. Before rule of law was in place there was a wild rush to control the nation’s industries and resources.
(Source ⤵️)
Democracy never took hold. Leaders were picked by the new billionaires. Thus Russia went from communism to oligarchy.
The oligarchs needed to launder their stolen money.
Trump, Giuliani, and friends are trying hard to create a Russian style oligarchy in the United States.
From Snyder: For decades Russia has been beckoning to America's far right wing.
America's right wing sees Russia as the savior of the white race. ⤵️
From @jasonintrator ⤵️ Every fascist campaign is an anti-corruption campaign.
For more from @jasonintrator see ⤵️
Is that because because he thought they'd win and control the narrative?
Because he thought in the end Fox would be the only "news" outlet left standing?
Democracy can be frustrating. As⤵️ say, democracy is slow grinding work.
It feels "corrupt" to have to share power with people they think aren't their equals.
In taking that $$, Giuliani was taking steps toward making himself an American oligarch.
In Aug. 2018, he began working for Parnas and Furman, and received 500K (he wouldn't say when he received the money)…
Perhaps that 500K went somewhere else?
What HAS he been up to?