Parnas paid Trump's free lawyer Giuliani $500K. Ergo, Firtash was financing Giuliani's dirty work for Trump in Ukraine.
Reminds me of another Firtash bagman: Trump's free campaign manager, Manafort.
-Kyiv mayor Klitschko's campaign, which Giuliani advised and is now being investigated for
-Parnas and Fruman's activities
Firtash’s lawyers passed documents that smear Mueller and Biden to associates of Trump lawyer Giuliani, who presented them on Fox News.

Trump's personal lawyer is representing a top-tier comrade of the Russian mob.

This is a criminal conspiracy.


Mar 2019: Parnas & Fruman press Naftogaz officials to drop disputes with Firtash which would provide Firtash a $1B windfall.

A senior Naftogaz official described the meeting as a shakedown.
Giuliani claimed he never had anything to do with Firtash’s case but Firtash bankrolled at least one piece of propaganda Giuliani held up on FOX News to smear Biden.