MocaRan event story translation thread

Separate Paths, and Glowing Skies that Connects them

Story opens with the usual Afterglow planning their next training session, but Ran haven't sent her schedule. She explains in person that she's unable to attend session because there's going to be an important exhibition later so (...)
Ran isn't going to make it to training sessions for a while. It would be a hassle to explain them in chat, so instead Ran opts to meet them in person to explain the situation properly.

Right after she mentioned the exhibition, Moca fell silent.
Tomoe, Tsugu and Himari is overjoyed by this and cheers for Ran. Even Himari pointed when did she grow up this much.
The scene skips to the band session, Tsugu is wondering that something is off with Ran, but Himari said that maybe she's just thinking so hard that her face distorts.

Meanwhile, Moca...
She stood silently thinking about her past decisions.

"Back then, I've decided to follow Ran from behind.

Even if I can't reach her, I'll make sure that I won't lose her back. But..."
Suddenly, Ran entered the room and Moca shifts to her usual tone. Ran said that she visited because it's already the end of their session.

Moca teased Ran with "Ooh, are you feeling lonely without us?"
Everyone is overjoyed by this sudden visit, and Tsugu proposed that they should go to nearest family restaurant to hear stories about her.

Ran agreed, then they talked about the flower exhibition she's been working on.
Himari asked if there's an award for this exhibition, but Ran explains that it's a junior (?) Exhibition so it was pretty easy to understand than the usual, and you'd just make an arrangement then exhibit those.

Tsugu can't wait to see Ran's arrangement, along with Himari.
Himari also asked Moca if she's interested, but Moca said that she's not an expert in flowers, will she properly understand the meaning behind the arrangements?
Tomoe also said that they understand a bit about flower arrangement because there's Ran, but they didn't really know how to appreciate them.
Ran said that if you liked it, that's more than enough. She meant to properly arrange the flowers so that everyone could enjoy them from different perspectives.
Himari, again, praised Ran's growth said that she felt like a real practicioner of flower arrangement.

Himari is genuinely happy that Ran is embracing flower arrangements more and more. Tomoe also added that Afterglow would also practice even more harder to reach her.
Meanwhile, Moca is deep in her thoughts.

"Can be seen from different perspectives... Would that mean, it's okay for me--who tries desperately to reach her to see them?"
"Can I really see Ran's arrangement? The current me?"
"If I saw them, I'm afraid that I'll lose sight of her. If I saw Ran, who tried her best in flower arrangement..."
"Well well, I can't wait to see Ran-chan-sensei's masterpiece~"

The opening chapter ends.
Chapter 2 - That's why I...

After school's over, Moca asked to drop somewhere nearby before coming home. Tomoe pointed that they're already done so yesterday. But Moca insists because there's no jamming sessions anyway.
As expected, Ran can't go with them because she's still busy with her flower exhibition.

They go to family restaurant, and as Tomoe talked about Ako, Tsugu reminded them that it's already late.

Again, Moca now asked to drop by Yamabuki Bakery to buy some breads.
Himari noticed in the Bakery that Moca took so long when picking the bread she wanted to buy. In the end, she bought two of them.

As they're going home, Moca reminded everyone that they should done their homework because the deadline is tomorrow.
Weirdly enough, Himari pointed that their homework is due sometime in this week but not tomorrow.

Tomoe noticed that there's something wrong, but Tsugu didn't and thanked Moca because she reminded them.

As Tsugu and Tomoe going home, Himari confronted Moca.
She said it's not like Moca that she got the deadlines wrong. Moca tried to deny that, but Himari sees through her coy and knew that there was something wrong with her friend.
Moca insists that there's nothing wrong with her at all, but Himari won't relent.

At this point, knowing that she'll go overboard again like before with Ran (Story 2), Himari stopped and apologized to Moca.
Himari points that it's as if Moca is carrying some burden and tried her best to do something for Afterglow. But if it's about them, Himari insists to listen because it's wrong to do carry the burden by Moca herself.
Moca tried to dodge the question by again, reminding the same homework, but Himari won't have that and she won't go home until Moca spoke about her problems.
Himari thought that her friends are much more important than het homework, and she won't left anyone behind until their problem is cleared.

Hiichan also said that Moca must've thought that Afterglow is important than anything else, right? ...aside from breads.
Moca laughed, and gave Himari the breads she just bought.

As Himari thought, Moca won't say anything for now so she still asked her to talk whenever she's ready to do so.

Moca felt grateful that she has a friend like Hiichan, but Himari still felt that she tries to dodge her.
But finally, Himari took the breads as a breakfast tomorrow and goes back to home.

It's just Moca now, and she's still deep in her thoughts.
"I'm different from Ran, Hiichan.
I can't move forward while thinking about others at the same time as she does."
"I'm just selfish. That's why I can't have everyone's help."
"That's why I'll remain to be the same as always, as much as I can."
Chapter 3 - But I...

Hiichan met up with Tsugu and Tomoe later after class. They're discussing about Moca's recent behavior that seems off, and Tsugu also realized that Moca didn't really say anything to Himari.
Tomoe said that even if she look like that, Moca is much, much more stubborn than Ran does even if she didn't like fighting. Hiichan points that it it's like that then she'd carry more than she could, even more than Ran do.
Tsugu asked if Ran know about this, but Tomoe said that they should stay quiet and don't tell Ran about Moca.

Today Moca is on her part-time job, so Tomoe gave her a visit to know her conditions and all.
One step after Moca greets Tomoe, she immediately noticed the reason she came to her part-time. It's break time, so Moca steps outside and talked to Tomoe.
Trying to dodge the questions Tomoe would surround her with, Moca instead asked about Ako's wellbeing.
Tomoe told stories about Ako, how she wields Dark power to train, and others. She also said that whenever we saw someone does her best, then everyone would get the same influence and impact, too.
At first Tomoe was worried seeing Ako's growth but now she's fine while doing her own pace.

Tomoe asked Moca did she felt cooler than before, but Moca asked Tomoe how she looked now.
"This is just how I thought, sorry if I'm wrong, but... I feel as I saw myself.

Back then when I couldn't face Ako's growth."
Tomoe said that at first she was afraid Ako's going to outgrown her, but noe she can face her.

She asked, did Moca felt like this because Ran is embracing her flower studies?
"It's not like that.
Ran is doing her best, we must cheer on her~"
"Is that really how you feel?
Look at me in the eyes, and say that again."
"In the end... I'm just holding everyone back, huh?"

"Back then, I swore with everyone to follow Ran from her back. I can't even protect that wish, it's my fault."
Moca thought, If Tomoe and Ako could do what she needs to be done, why can't she do that? It's my fault, so I shouldn't even bother thinking to bother Ran and everyone. She thought, everyone done their best and Afterglow is looking good as ever, so they shouldn't think about her
Tomoe jumped in, saying that in which way Afterglow is looking good when Moca acts like that? Is this your definition of being cool? Tomoe also insists that no one thought that troubled Moca is nothing but burden.
Himari and Tsugu also worried because after all, they're childhood friends and this has nothing to do with being a burden or what not.

It's not the same as always if they're seeing Moca pushed herself to hold back like this, and they can't bear to see that.
Tomoe also thought that Moca's inability to keep up with Ran is one of her own hesitation.
Moca apologized to Tomoe, but Tomoe also apologized because she's the one jumping in when she's on her part time and pulling her like this. Tomoe asked Moca to come working their homework.
Before parting, Tomoe gave Moca a Croquette and Bread, then cheering her.

Inside of the packages, Moca received a memo from Tomoe.

"Moca is cool! Do your best!!"

Moca laughed and mutters that her friend's cool.
Chapter 4 - Because it's the same as always...

Tsugumi walked on the shopping streets, taking her mom's notes on things that she should buy. While gazing on Autumn flowers, Tsugu thinks back when Ran introduced her to one of her favorite flower, Burnet.
Just as she thought so, she met Ran in the streets.
They talked about how it went one year after Tsugu introduced to Burnet. How Ran being absorbed into her flower studies, and now she attends the flower exhibition.
Even Ran said how she confront her problems in her house is different now.

Tsugu asked about Ran's arrangement and it turns out to be smoothly done. Ran expects that's also the case of their training sessions, but Tsugu finally blurted out about Moca's problem.
Ran didn't even realized that Moca acts weird lately. She said that Moca passed some weird message on the class, but it doesn't looks like Moca feeling down or anything. Tsugu can't say it properly, but it's different than the usual Moca.
Being close as her be, Ran even wondered how the usual Moca used to act. Tsugu explains that the usual Moca walks on her own pace, loved breads, and takes care everyone.
Ran also thought that, and adds that Moca didn't like serious talk and talking about her own self. Even if she forced her to talk, it's going to be usual nonsense from Moca.

Tsugu also reminded the time when Ran fought with Moca in the hospital and scolded.
Ran thought that, if Moca still wants to be her usual self, then Ran wants to be the usual best friend of hers. But Tsugu thought, is it okay to not hearing anything Moca wants to say? She was certain that Moca have something that bothers her.
"If she doesn't wanna talk, then so be it."

"Maybe Moca is having some doubts right now, if she still acts like 'as always', then maybe it's her way to stay as the usual Moca."
"How I can help Moca--who's standing by my side after all, is to stay on her side, as we usually do."

"If she doesn't wanna talk, then don't push the burdens on her. Rather, stay on her side and respect her."
It's the way Ran always saw Moca, but somehow Ran still felt unfair not telling Moca all of this. Even so, Tsugu said that Ran had to tell Moca about this. Tell Moca, who's been on her side forever, how she truly feels.
Ran accepted Tsugu's request, but becoming embarrased thinking about it. But Tsugu still insists, where Ran also said that whenever something starts, there will always be Tsugumi.
"Moca is always beside me,

She's always there that I haven't got the slightest clue of all of this..."
Chapter 5 - Sasanqua

Tsugu tried to mail Moca, but she failed to find the right words to send in. Finally she settles with "Ran is doing her best with her arrangement, so let's go see them together!" She also hoped that Moca will be back to her usual cheery self.
Moca, in her room, is still afraid of coming to Ran's exhibition, or even to talk with her. But if she didn't go everyone would be worried about her, and she didn't want that. She braced herself and prepare for tomorrow.
At the exhibition, Himari thought that the exhibition would feel rather old Japanese but that's not the case. Tomoe also saw something cool out of the exhibitions. Finally, they met Ran on the exhibition and talked about how the exhibition feels natural and easy to understand.
As they're walking to see Ran's arrangement, Moca still felt reluctant. They finally arrived, then they gaze on Ran's arrangement. Ran said that compared to all the others, her's was kind of antique and old-feeling.
She's been away from flowers for quite a long time, so she created somewhat basic arrangement.

Tsugu thought that basic arrangement is important, and Ran's arrangement is beautiful, too. Ran also thought about the flowers she used and the meanings.
Everyone is amazed at the flower she used but no one really knows about the name. Ran got rather agitated and tells that the name of the flower is Sasanqua.

She asked why everyone can't get the names right, especially, Moca.
Moca is visibly confused, then Ran explained to her.

"This flower... Remember when we played pretend shop back then? This is the flower I gave to you as exchange of bread."
Moca remembered the time they played, but she can't recall the name of the flower Ran gave to her.
That time, Moca was the one approaching her for the first time and became Ran's first friend, and that's how their friendship started.
For Ran, Sasanqua became the important flower because of that, they meet as a friend.

Ran teased everyone not knowing the name of the important flower, and laughed. Tsugu and Himari were touched because of this and cried. Seeing them cried, Ran tried to calm them.
But Moca thought differently, she thought that she don't even remember Ran's important flower. Ran faced her problems, tackling flower studies and finally, making an arrangement from the flower only she remembered.
"From that day I've given the Sasanqua, we've been always be on Ran's side..."
Moca was glad that she came to the exhibition, and Ran also glad she can show this to her friends.
Chapter 6 - I'm right here, and now

After the exhibition, everyone goes straight home, leaving Moca with Ran together. Ran thanked Moca that she came to visit, and Moca also glad that she could saw Ran's arrangement.
Straight to the point, Ran asked Moca, saying that Tsugu told her that these days, she wasn't feeling as usual. Moca said that it's not the case. Ran also said that, if you're just feeling like it's your 'usual self', then this talk is over. Moca agreed.
Moca said sorry that she doesn't remember the Sasanqua, and Ran was agitated, saying that this flower hold so much meaning yet you didn't remember. Moca said that she was glad Ran remembered, and also she was glad reaching out for her back when they was still little.
Ran said that their meeting was some kind of fate, even if they didn't meet at the park, they'll meet sooner or later. If that happened, she didn't know if she would take flowers seriously.
Moca said that there was even more, if they didn't meet sooner, who knows what kind of path would Ran take, will she get her red noodle on her head or not, or whether will she started a band or not. Thinking about that, also made Moca felt glad meeting this 'strong Ran' today.
"...Moca. Since that day and now on, thank you."
"Eh? What are you saying now~"
"About that day when you reached out to me, when we skipped class together, and when staying on my side without even saying anything...

When we visit Tsugumi together when she was sick, I hated this, but we fought a lot..."
"Ran... that's enough, you~"

"When my lyrics didn't reach the others back then, you also reaching out to me, right?

It's all... because Moca were by my side."

"It's okay, really..."
"When you scared us while taking back Himari's notebook on school. When we go to Inoshima and you woke me up, and when you showed me your homework..."
"We've been together for so long, it felt so natural that I don't realized that something was wrong.

But, it's not like that, isn't it? It's because Moca was by my side all along."
Moca felt that she always been afraid that Ran would someday leave her, or someday she can't saw her back anymore.

She also felt that Ran has grown so much that she didn't really need her help... But, that was wrong.
"From now on, I'll stop chasing after Ran."

"I thought it would be good if I chase after you, but it doesn't have to be like that, right?"
"Sure, just like that. That felt more like your usual Moca, right? Moving on her own pace."

Moca thought Ran was being mean, but if Moca didn't go on her pace, she wouldn't play some pretend shop and meet Ran back then.
Just as I saw the scenery the way I see, you'll also saw another from your sight.
Moca wants to hold dear things that was close to her, that's what better to Ran, everyone, and herself.
After all these serious talk, Moca feel hungry and wanted to eat 10x more than usual breads she ate. Ran also felt that she talked a lifetime's worth of serious talk with Moca, so she felt tired too.
Then, they agreed to stop talking about this forever in their lifetime.

Ran was confused and seriously asking Moca if she's serious. But Moca said that Ran was by her side, and Moca was beside her, too. As long as we know that, it's more than enough.
Fair point, said Ran. From now on, I'll be in your care.

"Weelll, we've become the 'pair that doesn't need to say anything', as once Ako said huh~"

At the end, Moca wanted to do something, but she keep that as a secret for now.
Chapter 7 (ENDING) - Connected by the skies above

Later on the Studio, Ran is back on her schedule to training with other band members. Since she's already back, she wanted to play in a Live Stage sometime.
Moca also have another announcement, where she announced that she has made a lyrics to Afterglow's new song!!! She said that the lyrics are ten years in the making, and it's now finally completed!
Ran teased her as not being in her usual self, then Moca shown her lyrics to everyone. Himari said that while the lyrics are different than Ran's usual, it feels so 'Afterglow'. Tsugu also points that the lyrics used sounds so gentle and soft.
Ran can't wait to sing with this lyrics that Moca made.
Moca made this lyrics based on the Afterglow from her perspective.

She also said to others that she stopped chasing on Ran's back. Tsugu asked why, and Moca answered by saying that there's nothing to chase about and she'll continue walking on her own path.
"Kind of like, I want to cherish what I saw with my own eyes?" She said.
She wanted to saw everyone's well being from her own path. Moca also confirmed to Tomoe that this is the 'Coolness' she've been looking for.
She proclaims that chasing someone from their back is impossible, and it's also not Moca's usual style. It's not gonna be for my sake, or even everyone's sake that way.
Himari asked Moca to also made music and lyrics from now on. When asked why, Himari said that her lyrics sounds good, and also they didn't want to lose sight of Moca. She wanted everyone to also feel what kind of scenery Moca has been seeing with her own eyes.
Ran approved on that notion, and Moca reluctantly agreed saying that, saying that the lyrics will be done in another 10 years because she's so picky about her word choices. Tsugu didn't mind waiting, and will wait for the completed lyrics and songs.
Himari said that she really wanted this song to be on the next live, and Ran herself wanted to ending the live with Moca's new song.

Tomoe said that they should practice hard so that Moca's song ended well received within the audience.
"Hiichan-kun, what's with that bass play?! Ran-kun, sing a lot better than this!"
"What's with that, who are you?"
"The great lyricist, Moca-chan-sensei~"

Thanks for reading and keeping up with me thus far!

For after the ending, I'm going to post my own remark about this event:



I'm rather happy that Ran and Moca's resolution didn't start out with fighting, they're grown so far to accept each other.
Ran even said to respect her decisions when she talked to Tsugu, and then again, if she didn't bumped with Tsugu then she'd never talked about how grateful she was to Moca.

I was also teared when True Colors played when Moca said to stop chasing after Ran.... we did it...
Oh yeah, sorry if there's a poor wording I used in this thread, I'm not really used to type in English haha;;
Oh and

I just hope that this account didn't banished into the Shadow Realm just like last time I did with Stand by You event orz
I got *4 Moca today so here's her episode 👀👀
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