For full results and analysis, go to:…
A staggering 88% of American Jews think antisemitism is a problem in the United States today.
More results from AJC’s survey of American Jews on antisemitism in America:…
89% of U.S. Jews believe the extreme political right represents a threat to Jews in 🇺🇸, while 85% say the same of extremism in the name of Islam and nearly two thirds—64%—say so about the extreme political left.

AJC's @AviMayer in @USATODAY.
"Its alarming findings should serve as a wake up call—and a call to action."…
88% of US Jews believe that "antisemitism is a real problem in the US and that it’s getting worse. The question now should be: what is the rest of 🇺🇸 going to do about it?"…
See the results from AJC’s landmark survey of American Jews on #AntisemitisminAmerica, which reveals deeply disturbing trends:

A third of US Jews feel the need to hide their identity and more than a quarter are so concerned for their safety they avoid certain places, events, or situations.
More results from AJC’s landmark survey of American Jews

Nearly HALF of American Jews report that Jewish institutions to which they belong have been targets of antisemitism.
More results from AJC’s survey of American Jews on antisemitism in America:

To see how much responsibility American Jews think the Republican and Democratic Parties, respectively, bear for the current level of antisemitism, go to

extreme political right
extreme political left
extremism in the name of Islam…
1. American Jews are deeply concerned
2. Jews are hiding their Jewishness
3. Jews consider Anti-Zionism antisemitic…
From verbal and physical attacks to graffiti scrawled on the walls of synagogues to Holocaust denial and more, antisemitism has surfaced in many forms, say AJC leaders from across the country.…

More results from AJC’s #AntisemitisminAmerica survey: