These people are directly connected to US Dominionist Christians that support Trump.
Same Dominionist Christian affiliation.
The Catholic Church is currently in crisis with Pope Francis at the helm. A schism has been in the making since before Pope Francis was elected.……
This is who Kenney is representing as premier and who is currently in charge of Alberta and Ontario.
White wealthy men
White wealthy women
White low income men
White low income women
White children
Brown Christian wealthy women
Brown Christian poor men
Brown Christian poor women
Brown Christian children
White men wrong or non Christian
White women wrong or non Christian
People of colour wrong or non Christian
Socialists & Progressives
God is in charge now. And we mere humans need only concern ourselves with adherence to the rules and requirements of the Kingdom Of God.
The changes you see happening in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and other US states led by Dominionist Christians, are in the process of being implemented in Alberta and Ontario.
Don’t feel bad that you missed the warning signs. Many still think Kenney is a closet gay. I have no idea what his sexuality is, but I’m certain he is Opus Dei.
Yes, we barely missed becoming a theocratic nation by refusing Scheer and CPC an electoral victory.
Neither of those options are happening anytime soon. So essentially, Alberta & Ontario live in a dictatorship.
This is why we cannot split the progressive vote.
Peoples lives are literally on the line.
Privatization of healthcare and education will make both inaccessible to the vast majority.
Stop ignoring the warning signs.
It’s a real conspiracy. Not theory.
Never Again is Now!