That conspiracy theory is an attempt to discredit the entire Unites States Intelligence Community (USIC) as well as the Mueller Report.……
Link to the official report from the Director of National Intelligence:…

Russia interfered in the 2016 US elections in order to help get Trump elected.
Link to official pdf of Mueller Report:…

There are several possible reasons why.
One reason is that the Mueller investigation landed Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort in prison.……
(Remember, Trump declared publicly in Helsinki that he believes Putin's denials over the US Intelligence Community's findings.)…
So Trump has several PERSONAL reasons to dislike the findings of the US Intelligence Community and the Mueller Report.
This system is NOT designed to protect the president’s personal feelings, but rather the whole USA.

Trump has sent US Attorney General Barr to several foreign govts, including the UK and Italy, to ask for help discrediting the USIC.
“it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services”……
"The White House curbed access to a transcript of the call — which the president made at Mr. Barr’s request"…
Trump, as president of the USA, is using his power as president to try and undermine the conclusions of the USA’s own intelligence agencies.
And, of course, the Mueller Report. Because the Mueller Report did NOT exonerate Trump.… V2, p182

Publicly undermining the USA's own intelligence agencies is not beneficial to the USA.
Trump is abusing his power as president for his own personal benefit.