The other option is that it reads poorly for how it was intended - I’m open to the suggestion, but I’ll ask y’all to present another/better case.
... moving on.
IDK if LP every clarified what she meant by this one - some have said:
• Bear = ‘Fancy Bear’
• Bear = Russia
• Etc
I think she was just saying ~ “... don’t go in w/guns a-blazing!” It makes sense if they fear her.
However, ...
That is, if you research... instead of eating from the #FakeNews troughs!
• Crowdstrike was under FBI contract starting 👉🏻July 2015👈🏻
• ... same month as start of Mid-Year Exam
• FBI notified DNC of a ‘hack’ in Nov 2015
• ... 5 months earlier than the #FakeNews narrative!
• DNC hired Crowdstrike during the NPGVan ordeal, when Bernie’s crew somehow accessed Clinton’s data
• ... this occurred in Dec 2015
In other words, there was certainly some cyber TomFoolery prior to that Feb 2016 text.
Consider this:
The cyber portion of ‘Dossier’ is dated FREAKING 👉🏻JULY 2015👈🏻!!
Same month as Start of MYE; FBI contract w/Crowdstrike!
My point - by Feb 2016, there was already:
• PLENTY of ‘hacking’
• PLENTY of Crowdstrike
• PLENTY of narrative formulation regarding ‘Russia’ and ‘hacking’
Those wheels were turning NLT July 2015 - move your timelines back on the ‘start’!
“... You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more DOJ than FBI?”
This is a REAL blockbuster, imo... and I don’t think it has been given adequate attention.
Absent additional/unknown details (tbd), that reads as though Obama’s DOJ were... GOING AFTER CLINTON VIA MYE IN FEB 2016!!!
It sounds like she’s afraid FBI will be punished for DOJ’s aggression.
Even if you think ‘bear = fancy bear’ or ‘bear = Russia’... it then sounds like she’s trying to tell Strzok to hold off on giving DOJ evidence... bc if HRC wins they’ll take the brunt of it!
What are your thoughts?
I get it - I’m just rehashing some facts!
But before you call me an idiot, consider this:
MAR 2015 - months prior to MYE & Silly Season (aka Primaries) - it’s reported that @ValerieJarrett was THE LEAKER!

... most of us have either forgotten, or didn’t see that report.
Wouldn’t that be something - What if Val Jarret set off the investigation by leaking about her private server?
Fact: Clintons & Obama Co. didn’t like eachother!
- Some of You
“There were text messages saying ‘DOJ is running’ everything...”
- Others
“You are a Deep State shill, 2X - screw you!!”
- At least one of Y’all
• Suggests that, at that time, @Comey was on board with the idea of a Special Prosecutor - I guess he gets some exculp evidence too
• “You gotta give me credit”
• “And damn we’d get shit DONE”
These 2 love-birds sound giddy...

February 2016: “You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more DOJ than FBI?”
(ie concerned about consequence of HRC victory)
March 2016: (discussing Spec. P)
“... damn we could get shit done.”
(ie Comey/Strzok/Page want to do right thing) 🤷🏼♂️
There are several possibilities laid out - is it possible to square up what seems to be a radical shift between Feb/Mar 2016 & Aug-Nov 2016?
... there WAS that one curious meeting on June 27, 2016.
AG Lynch —>PHX<— Bill Clinton
That was a stunner that many ppl seem to have written off - I agree that it seems like a long time ago!
3 Days Prior (June 24, 2016):
• Glenn Simpson dispatches first copy of ‘Dossier’
• Steele immediately has it delivered; hand-carried, flown in
The ‘Dossier’ was *PROBABLY* in town during the Biden meeting!
(No matter which pattern you find most probable...)
The End
The Facts:
• Putin hacked DNC in Spring 2016
• Bill & Loretta talked about Grandkids
• Seth Rich was a botched robbery
... you are all conspiracy theorists!!! 😂
Strzok OPR Letter: courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
Searchable Strzok/Page Text Data:
• Interesting - from same Journo in Nov 2016 - Val Jarrett changes tune; blames Comey: nypost.com/2016/11/02/oba…
• Same Journo - Tarmac Meeting No Accident: nypost.com/2016/10/03/boo…