AcCeSs To CoVeRaGe
Of course, she ignores @commonwealthfnd research showing rising underinsurance in employer plans.

"And that's the free market and public programs working together to make sure people have the health care that they need and that they want."
This is the classic @P4AHCF line!
Talk about gaslighting!
The status quo is incessant disruption and uncertainty. There is no health, financial, or social security with the status quo.
Of course, this means they should support improving and expanding Medicare to everyone!
As I've told you before -- and so have foreign public health scholars -- WE HAVE NO CURRENT SYSTEM.

Absurd. We're all human beings w/ similar health risks.
If folks are "tired and frustrated with their overall health care system," how can they "like what they have"?
Do words have meanings for this executive director?
Just to be clear, @forbestate, patients don't answer to you or your executive director. We are not "your patients."
Love the honesty here! @P4AHCF exists to block Medicare for All.
And we don't already have a multi-tier situation?
That last sentence makes little sense.
Ummm, is Lauren aware of the narrow networks dominating ACA plans?
We can only hope that would happen, but it's likely that private plans would find a way to undercut the public plan instead!
(And they'd probably be happy about that! ACA deductibles will be as high as $16,300 next year.)
LMAO. I finished typing this tweet before she finished speaking. So predictable.
Snooze fest.
We're gonna win!
LOL. Who are the patients?! Last one she talked to?! GMAFB.
"Very Serious"
VeRy SeRiOuS
DC is so awful.
"Leaning Forward"
Again, DC is so awful.
"Visit our Web site...we have a great 'take action' center where you can send a note to any of your members of Congress...!"
LOL. So predictable.