Sounds like a cliched telcos vs OTT trope
"You used to pay for an email account"
"We have to invest ever more in infrastructure"
Well, if you'd diverted some of that investment to internal R&D & app/service development, maybe you'd have captured more value, Mr Sherman? #GTD19
One thing I'm curious about #GTD19 is whether speakers tune their presentations to the specific audience, or just give generic speeches
- We need telcos' access networks for consumer experiences
- We can help them with NFV, AI, analytics etc to improve performance of networks
- We can help with 5G planning & deployment "figure out the golden lamp-post for small cells"
Also "help with 5G" eg Google APIs for developers that are #5G aware, or ways for telcos to expose better connectivity upgrades in the OS
@bt_uk - customers & ideally app providers should pay us for more than just connectivity
@Google - no, *you* should pay *us* & treat us nicely, as we help your network & enable developers to create cool apps & services
BT CSO Sherman really giving it "the full dinosaur", trying to argue against asteroids
There's nothing (in theory) stopping telcos from buying slices on all the *other* telcos' networks worldwide for their cool services
#5G panel now - @UK_5G @ThreeUK & @luminanetworks speaking
From 3 panellist's intro - "capacity & consistency is what people want" & "maybe we can charge for low latency"
(Ah, Lumina CEO Andrew Coward noted that his washing machine has WiFi, but he doesn't have coverage in that room of his house. Unconvinced that 5G will help much unless it's <1GHz)
Good point from @luminanetworks CEO - E2E latency is not just driven by physical location, but by intermediate boxes in middle of the data path.
Notes that @GoogleStadia is promising "negative latency" as it uses #AI to *predict* moves
Ouch, punchy
Good footwear choice as well!

Doesn't have automation, decomposition to microservices, how it scales etc. Needs to be re-written from the ground up
Need to recognise discontinuity
Really interesting point of view from @metaswitch on NFV
Interesting intro from the @VodafoneBiz panellist. Two edge models:
- Private mobile networks with on-prem MEC eg for airports, warehouses, mfr plants, oil rigs & offshore
.... cont
- Flexibility of public cloud but lower latency
- Uses include livestreaming, video analytics, gaming, smart cities, AR, CAV
eg a production line in manufacturing might have 5 different machine vision vendors today, each for different processes. Can it be integrated?
"That's an interesting question" = "Hmm, we haven't thought about that yet"