Between 1998 and 2018, the volume of peer-reviewed AI papers has grown by more than 300%.
China now publishes as many AI journal and conference papers per year as Europe, having passed the US
in 2006.
In past 18 months, time required to train a large image classification system has fallen from about 3 hrs to about 88 sec.
Prior to 2012, AI results closely tracked Moore’s Law (compute doubling every 2 yrs). Post-2012 - doubling every 3.4 months.
Singapore, Brazil, Australia, Canada and India experienced the fastest growth in AI hiring from 2015 to
In the US, the share of jobs in AI-related topics increased from 0.26% of total jobs posted in 2010 to 1.32%
in October 2019 (ML having highest share).
In 2019, global private AI investment was over $70B, with AI-related startup investments over $37B (first 10 months).
Global AI startups investment rising fast - From a total of $1.3B raised in 2010 to over $40.4B in 2018
growth rate of over 48%.
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) received the largest share of global investment over the last year (9.9% of the total), followed by Drug, Cancer and Therapy (6.1%), Facial Recognition (6.0%), Video Content (4.5%), and Fraud Detection and Finance (3.9%).

Enrollment in AI and related subjects growing rapidly in universities all over the world, as well as for online offerings.
At the graduate level, AI has rapidly become the most popular specialization among computer science PhD
students in North America.
In 2018, over 21% of graduating CS PhDs specialize in AI/ML
In the US and Canada, the number of international PhD students graduating in AI continues to grow, and
currently exceeds 60% of the PhDs produced from these programs (up from less than 40% in 2010).
went to industry, up from 20% in 2004. In 2018, over twice as many AI PhD graduates went to industry as
took academic jobs in the US."
20% of the new faculty hires in 2018. Similarly, the share of female AI PhD recipients has remained virtually
constant at 20% since 2010 in the US."
"In 2018, the State of California licensed testing
for over 50 companies and more than 500 AVs, which drove over 2 million miles."
"Global central bank communications demonstrate a keen interest in AI (especially UK, Japan, US)
There is a significant increase in AI related legislation in congressional records, committee reports, and
legislative transcripts around the world."
"Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2019"…
The AI Index is as an independent initiative at Stanford University’s Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute (HAI).
(Thanks @debjani_ghosh_ for the link!)