#machinelearning #data4good

Speaks to the 'great decoupling' - where productivity and GDP expand with technology, but don't take household incomes with them.
Part of the problem is lower-paid occupations have more automate-able tasks.

The "Suitability for Machine Learning" or SML scores from this
@MIT_IDE is useful here: ide.mit.edu/sites/default/… #ai

#StanfordHumanAI #TechPolicy

It's "an independent federal committee advising the defense secretary on issues that focus on people and culture, technology and capabilities, practices & operations"

This... is probably true. I need to read the proposed CMS data interoperability standards: edit.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-… #AiEthics
I get his point but this is slightly divorced from the reality - we still need to yell about bias.
I am sadly skeptical that this is a winnable battle for algorithms, but glad it came up. #disinfo
IMO, AI+sciences does seem like something to be optimistic about.
"We must consider what problems should be public, and not in a market."
#TechPolicy #StanfordHumanAI
If AI will make undemocratic/authoritative governments more powerful, then why do we have such high expectations of how this technology will benefit us all?
She has heard many times from #tech's lobbyists: "Do not regulate us, otherwise China..."
👏 "We need more institutions and processes, more than just good intentions or 'scouts honor' from #bigtech" 👏
"I don't know if 'do no evil' is Google's motto anymore..."
"The shift to private & opaque governance through tech standards is one of the most important consequences of #AI."
Everyone should watch this speech. #StanfordHumanAI
-@jovialjoy up next
-@GoogleAI researchers just put out a paper on #AI bias against people w/ disabilities
-new @nature article on racial bias in health ML affecting 200m people
Cites new @IBMWatson / @IBMDataScience paper, I think this: arxiv.org/pdf/1901.10436…
I'm genuinely curious if @ericschmidt is still there.

From @jovialjoy's testimony to House Science Committee: science.house.gov/imo/media/doc/… #StanfordHumanAI #DeepLearning #FacialRecognition

This from @jovialjoy's PhD dissertation, 'Gender Shades' proceedings.mlr.press/v81/buolamwini… #aiethics

This is a good argument for some form of independent #machinelearning auditing - the models certainly can be improved if there is pressure to do so.