American evangelicalism and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are NOT the same thing.
1. Biblicism
2. Crucicentrism (a particular form of the atonement)
3. Conversionism
4. Activism
This is known as the Bebbington Quadrilateral
If you are doing a story about diversity among evangelicals, you call in the editor of Christianity Today and say, Al Mohler.
Not the editor of Christianity Today and a Lutheran pastor.
Or an Episcopal, Presbyterian, UCC, Methodist, Disciples, or RCA one.
Call me. I can give you a long list of great people who know theology.
I'm not even ELCA and this makes me crazy.
Please forgive typos, grammar mistakes. Wrote this one quickly.
Yes, I'm an Episcopalian and have written almost a dozen books on liberal/mainline religion.
But I know evangelicalism.