Earth in danger, meteor storms, plane crash, mad scientist, rocket ship, giant lizards, space soldiers, evil Emporer & slutty raygun-toting daughter, punch-ups, swordfights, arena & trapdoor cliffhanger *IN 20 MINS*💯

The Tunnel of Terror:
Flash escapes, changes into TINY spaceshorts & wins a spacefight, Dale is forced to marry Ming, Zarkov is given a laboratory full of Tesla coils & Flash fights a monster which George Lucas stole shot-for-shot for ROTJ

Flash crashes the wedding, he and Dale are, uh, captured by Shark Men, there’s an octopus v shark fight😬, more scenes stolen directly by George Lucas & lots of underwater action for 2-time Olympic swimmer Buster Crabbe.

Ming sends a message by ‘spaceograph‘ (not kidding), Dr Zarkov’s accent goes the full Irish, Dale faints twice, Flash punches people & Princess Aura rayguns the pressure seals of the *underwater* base. The silly cow.

Prince Barin turns up looking like a big thicc Daddy. Voltan turns up looking the part but is no Brian Blessed. Hawkmen shoot Flash’s rocket with a Melting Ray. (Not the Destroying Ray as advertised) Next week: Flash strips!

Aura convinces Dale to appease Vultan or whatever. Flash and Prince ‘ThiccDad’ Barin are sent to Atomic Furnaces for sweaty whipping & fighting, Flash is sentenced to a sexy cliffhanger, and this is £6 on eBay very well spent.

Back in the sky city, the Princess helps rogue rebel recover from torture and after an “attack on an Imperial Ship“ the evil Emporer, er, strikes back🤔

Flash accepts Ming’s challenge & puts some clothes on for a Tournament of Death in the Arena (also) of Death. First, a really good lightsabr- I mean, sword fight with a masked man of Mongo then wrestling an orango-poid.💪🏻

Aura helps Flash kill the Orangu-poid & he swiftly dons spaceshorts to propose to Dale. Aura spikes his drink & they enter the Fire Dragon’s Tunnel of Terror, safe unless someone rings the gong. Someone rings the gong.

Flash loses his memory after drinking Forgetfulness Drops & loses sight of who to marry. Dale loses out to Miss-Thing-Aura-Ming, Zarkov loses contact with Earth, Ming loses his shit & orders a firing squad. Love these losers.

Flash escapes a firing squad by turning invisible and runs off to rough up Ming & give the guards some comedy invisibility business. Zarkov contacts boring old Earth so Aura unleashes a Tigron (not a tiger) on Dale.

Flash kills the Tigron with his bare hands & ThiccDad Barin declares his love for Aura who agrees to persuade Ming to free the Earthpeople who all meet at the tower but Barin’s ship fires at them & they be like dude wtf?

The gang escape via trapdoor & rescue Barin, Thun attacks Ming who enters a mysterious temple (The End?)
Fights, electrified doors, evil priest & timebomb then Zarkov, Dale & Flash (in tiny shorts) rocket home to Earth.🚀🌎