, 179 tweets, 227 min read Read on Twitter
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
26 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
27 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
28 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
29 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
30 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
31 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
32 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
33 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
34 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼
"Roger Harris reports on how UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet’s recent report is a gift to US regime change efforts in Venezuela."

The Glaring Holes in Michelle Bachelet’s Venezuela Human Rights Report mintpressnews.com/glaring-holes-…
Via @Alfreddezayas
Interview with Real News: UN Human Rights Council’s Report on Venezuela is ‘Unbalanced’
Former lawyer for the #UN🇺🇳High Commissioner on Human Rights, Alfred de Zayas, says that High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet's report on human rights in #Venezuela🇻🇪mostly ignores the severity and responsibility of #USA🇺🇸 sanctions against #Venezuela🇻🇪
Alfred de Zayas says the #UN🇺🇳Human Rights Council's report on #Venezuela🇻🇪left out essential aspects in its otherwise damning report on #Venezuela🇻🇪because the council has increasingly fallen under the sway of the demands of the #USA🇺🇸 government
By @NicolasMaduro
2 millones 700 mil familias cuentan con un techo propio y digno gracias a la #GMVV, un milagro de amor que solo es posible en Revolución. ¡Rumbo a las 5 millones de Viviendas!
By @telesurenglish
A total of 180 #Venezuelans returned from #Peru thanks to the Plan Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Homeland plan) that has been promoted by the Government of Venezuela.
By @telesurenglish
The #Venezuelan🇻🇪Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, published a communiqué on his Twitter account denouncing and rejecting statements made by the High Representative of the European Union (EU).
By @telesurenglish
#InPictures | 90 Venezuelans arrived to their home country from Peru, thanks to the Plan Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Homeland plan).
By @telesurenglish
#Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has rejected the statements made by his #Colombiano counterpart.
By @telesurenglish
#FromTheSouth News Bits | The #UnitedStates will be directly funding the Venezuelan right-wing opposition using money which was designated for providing aid in Central America. #Venezuela #DonaldTrump
By @telesurenglish
#Venezuela's social spending has increased by 33% since the start of the Bolivarian project. However, these figures were not considered in the report published by the #UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, #MichelleBachelet.
By @telesurenglish
#Venezuela | Foreign Minister @jaarreaza said that #UnitedNations Secretary-General @antonioguterres expressed to him his full support for the dialogue efforts taking place in #Barbados.
By @madeleintlSUR
Así fue el encuentro entre el canciller @jaarreaza y el Secretario General de la #ONU @antonioguterres
By @BenjaminNorton
The Trump Administration is taking +than $40 million that was allotted for supposed"humanitarian aid"for Central America & giving it to violent right-wing coup-mongers in the🇻🇪opposition.

This shows the true intentions behind USAID"aid"
By @BenjaminNorton
This "aid" was supposed to go to🇭🇳 & 🇬🇹,countries that have been completely destabilized by the #USA🇺🇸, basically turned into colonies, w extreme violence & brutally repressive right-wing regimes pushing large numbers of refugees to flee
By @BenjaminNorton
The #USA🇺🇸already created the current migrant crisis by overthrowing🇭🇳democracy & installing a murderous right-wing narco dictatorship

Now the🇺🇸is using millions of taxpayer dollars to further destabilize🇻🇪 & fuel another refugee crisis
By @jorgerpsuv
A la Sra @FedericaMog parece habérsele olvidado que Venezuela es libre de groseros imperios europeos desde hace 208 años. Nos amenaza con declaraciones infames que intentan enturbiar el avance del diálogo en Noruega. Usted ya es pasado, Sra @FedericaMog. Respete
By @FortRussNews
MAJOR: Washington to divert funds from Central America to support Venezuelan right-wing opposition is.gd/NYxpPX #Guaido #US #Venezuela
By @FortRussNews
#China helps #Venezuela increase #Oil production amid economic blockade is.gd/EttYd4
Via @dancohen3000
#USA🇺🇸tax dollars at work: Trump administration repurposes $40 million from Central American countries to failed coup figures in #Venezuela🇻🇪 latimes.com/politics/story…
By @dancohen3000
The countries the funds were diverted from have been ContinuouslyDestabilized by the #USA🇺🇸for decades,leading to today's #MigrantCrisis.Now,the money is BeingUsed to line the pockets of rich #Venezuelans🇻🇪trying to overthrow their Govt on behalf of🇺🇸corporations
Via @dancohen3000
The money will be transferred through the #USA🇺🇸government's regime change arms that have pour huge sums into training right-wing student activists on the ground in #Venezuela🇻🇪. thegrayzone.com/2019/01/29/the…
Via @anyaparampil
According to #USA🇺🇸government documents obtained by Reuters, the Trump Administration plans to divert over $40 million in aid meant for Central American countries into the accounts of #Venezuela🇻🇪’s right-wing opposition: reuters.com/article/us-ven…
By @Antiwarcom
#USA to Divert $40 Million in Humanitarian Aid to #Venezuela Opposition
#USAID tells Congress money will pay for rebel government
Via @bodhibrian
$40 million salary gift from employer USA to employee @jguaido !
Via @bodhibrian
USAID goes where it's of most use: funding patsies like #Guaido the guided one
"Guaido’s team is receiving over $40 million to fund salaries, travel, training, propaganda and technical assistance."

Venezuela: Trump Diverts Central America Aid to Guaido as EU Threatens More Sanctions venezuelanalysis.com/YUdJ
By @telesurenglish
"In its obsessive & continuing aggression, the #USA govt redirects funds, which were destined for social development projects in Central America, to finance the coup d'etat in #Venezuela. Money that its coup friends will steal, surely."
By @telesurenglish
#Opinion|Since the attempted #USA coup against #Venezuela,#Canada’s corporate media have joined in a chorus of hate & disinformation against the BolivarianRevolution w/ the criticism focusing on President #NicolasMaduro
By @Arnold_August
By @telesurenglish
"A few days ago it was @FedericaMog, now the EU Parliament. The🇪🇺 institutions are determined to disrupt & try to destroy the Dialogue process in🇻🇪.They don't respect the sovereignty, nor the RightToPeace. What would Jean Monnet think?"
By @FortRussNews
BYPASSING SANCTIONS: #Venezuela sells #Gold worth US $40 million despite US efforts to avoid it is.gd/USWtC8
By @telesurenglish
#Mexico, along with nine countries in the region, challenged the presence of representatives of the Venezuelan opposition in the General Assembly of the #OAS, which is being held in Medellin, Colombia.
By @bodhibrian
This Vanessa Neumann is the 'ambassador' for Guaido the guided one
By @telesurenglish
#FromTheSouth News Bits | The Government of Norway says that talks which have been held in Barbados, between the Venezuelan government and sectors of the opposition will continue with Norway's facilitation.
By @telesurenglish
Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister @jaarreaza denounced a new attempt by the #EuropeanUnion to destabilize the dialogue process between government representatives and the opposition in #Barbados.
By @RT_com
Washington's priorities? 🇺🇸#US aid money for Central America goes to 🇻🇪#Venezuela's opposition instead

Horrible crisis in Venezuela😲
So horrible🤔,that the self-proclaimed @jguaido, still manages to make a luxury vacation😏🙃😅

"The self-proclaimed Juan Guaidó, was seen enjoying a luxurious vacation & tried to hide saying it was a tour of Nueva Esparta."
By @EnglishFars
Maduro Says Venezuela Will Not Give in to Outside Pressure at Barbados Talks
By @bodhibrian
Hey @SecPompeo Venezuela govt of president Maduro does control its own destiny; and they decide who enters and leaves
By @venanalysis
That feeling when @realDonaldTrump just diverted $40 million from Central America aid to fund your bumbling coup

Find out more: venezuelanalysis.com/news/14592
By @venanalysis
@maduro_en during a rally with party militants: "We're going to have elections and we're going to kick the opposition's ass with votes". A sign of what's coming out of Barbados negotiations? Did not specify what kind of elections...
By @venanalysis
Self-proclaimed "interim president" @jguaido making use of his latest political rally to sell stainless steel salad bowls
By @Alfreddezayas
TRT World: Could Venezuela’s Opposition Topple Maduro? dezayasalfred.wordpress.com/2019/07/19/trt…
Via @madeleintlSUR
#URGENTE | #Venezuela🇻🇪 detected and intercepted an electronic radio exploration and intelligence aircraft from #USA🇺🇸
Via @madeleintlSUR
The #USA🇺🇸Airplane detected, is electronic intelligence and warfare, and uses equipment to enter and interfere in communication systems. Remember that in #Venezuela🇻🇪is currently taking place the Summit of Non-Aligned Countries.
"To the Govt of the #USA🇺🇸 that day after day offends us: from the heart of the FANB we express to him that we have decided to always be free, independent & sovereign; UNDERSTAND that our great battle is for the Peace & well-being of our people."
By @v_zilber
Full Interview with Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) of FAIR (@FAIRmediawatch) and MintPress News (@MintPressNews):

By @MintPressNews
In an exclusive interview w MintPress News,🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza discusses the🇺🇸-backed coup against his Govt & the collective of American anti-war activists that fought to defend their embassy in Washington, D.C.

📹by @owsspawg
By @anyaparampil
Remind me again, who is the President of Venezuela?
"President Nicolás Maduro has denounced that the #USA has robbed #Venezuela of 30 billion dollars in frozen assets in the North American country."

The #UnitedStates🇺🇸 has stolen #Venezuela🇻🇪 30 billion dollars
"The security & senile adviser, John Bolton, assured that the #USA will press & continue to conspire against #Venezuela until President Nicolás Maduro leaves power, referring to the new sanctions applied by the Treasury Department against the🇻🇪people."
"The self-proclaimed, Juan Guaidó, had no choice but to publicly acknowledge that he has failed in his attempt to overthrow the Bolivarian Government."

Juan Guaidó again publicly acknowledged that he has failed
"120 member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) have expressed their support for #Venezuela in the face of hostile acts by the #UnitedStates."

SOLIDARITY! Some 120 countries of the NAM support #Venezuela against the gringo blockade
"An 🇺🇸spy plane was detected by the Integral Aerospace Defense Command over🇻🇪territory, the aircraft entered the Flight Information Region controlled by #Venezuela without an aeronautical frequency report."

MAXIMUM ALERT! An🇺🇸spy plane violated🇻🇪airspace
"The #American intelligence spy & electronic radio scanner, which responds to the name EP-3E ARIES II, informed the defense minister Vladimir Padrino López."

Know which is the #American spy plane that violated #Venezuelan airspace (+ PHOTO)
By @EnglishFars
Russian Diplomat: US Policy Towards Venezuela Violates International Norms
By @PressTV
US plane was 'intercepted' by Venezuelan aircraft: Defense minister ptv.io/2l5T

By @PressTV
Watch: US #plane intercepted by Venezuelan aircraft

#UnitedStates #Venezuela

By @venanalysis
Analyst @Marco_Teruggi reports on a community-driven initiative that looks to soften the blow of the US blockade - food houses.

By @venanalysis
Imperialist impatience: @StateDept already preparing for post-coup future. Someone send them a memo reminding that self-proclaimed @jguaido is only 5 milimeters closer to the presidential palace than when he started

By @telesurenglish
.@jorgerpsuv explained that the violation occurred when the aircraft didn't communicate its flight plan when venturing into🇻🇪airspace,so the aviation of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces proceeded to intercept & later eject the plane. bit.ly/2OceQ94
By @FortRussNews
VIDEO: U.S Spy Plane CAUGHT by Venezuelan Army Over Maiquetia! is.gd/NIFVKo #Espionage #SpyPlane #US #USImperialism #Venezuela
By @FortRussNews
BACKING OUT? #Russia may send MORE military experts to #Venezuela is.gd/xFWzHu
By @FortRussNews
WAIT, WHAT?! #US jets invade Venezuelan airspace but blames #Russia is.gd/s2Mn5C #Maduro #Venezuela
By @FortRussNews
Amnesia or a distorted assessment? Report on Human Rights in #Venezuela rejected for its lack of objectivity is.gd/sZVzU8 #Cuba #Granma #UN #UNHRC
Venezuela and Imperialist Confrontation in Latin America shar.es/a0NdZV
Venezuela: Trump Diverts Central America Aid to Guaido as EU Threatens More Sanctions shar.es/a0NdDv
Via @bodhibrian
Guess who?

By @RT_com
Venezuela’s information minister blames nationwide blackout on ‘electromagnetic attack’ on.rt.com/9yn7
Via @at2rty
Venezuelan minister shows scorched power plant, blames 'terrorists' for blackout (PHOTOS) — RT World News rt.com/news/454841-ve…
By @zerohedge
"Electromagnetic Attack" Sparks Massive Blackouts Across Venezuela zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-2…
Via @Miami_Rebelde
When a TerroristAttack by a🇺🇸backed"opposition"in #Venezuela causes a PowerOuttage, it's #Socialism's fault.When the Americans can't explain why half of #Manhattan is WithoutPower..they have to figure out what to say nypost.com/2019/07/14/con… #CapitalismIsFailure
Via @Miami_Rebelde
And in a related story, the Wallstreet Journal openly admits that the power grid failed causing blackouts. Aka the "most powerful country" is the most inept. In Venezuela at least when a black out happens it's due to Terrorism. wsj.com/articles/cuomo…
By @Mision_Verdad
Faced with this new blackout affecting 19 states of the country, it is important to remember that the first occurred in March this year. The Govt reported at the time that the brain of Guri's hydroelectric system had suffered a cyber & electromagnetic attack.
By @Mision_Verdad
In Venezuela there is no news of a cyber attack, less hair of magnitude registered on March 7, 2019 at Guri Hydroelectric Power Plant, executed against or computerized body of Corpoelec. This attack will be followed by other eletromagnetic attacks.
By @Mision_Verdad
But, how do you perform such an attack? The following graphic material is quite explanatory, and despite including information about the first blackout, serves as a reference for today's scenario, similar indeed.
By @Mision_Verdad
The new Electromagnetic Pulse attack on the National Electric System occurs just three days after a US Navy spy plane model EP-3E was expelled from Venezuelan territory for violating the sovereignty of the nation.
By @Mision_Verdad
After the National Government denounced the first attack in March of this year - and these allegations were minimized and even ridiculed -, various scholars of the issue and spokesmen confirmed the possibility of executing attacks of this type.
By @Mision_Verdad
"Now the US strategy in the new digital cold war is to place potentially disabling malicious software inside the Russian electrical system," the New York Times reported. Work cited in our portal in the context of the first blackout. bit.ly/2IosVvh
By @Mision_Verdad
The first attack on the SEN set a precedent for Venezuelans, but similar situations were experienced by countries under attack by the irregular US war: in Iraq and Lebanon the blackouts have been systematic and consecutive, one after another for tens of hours.
By @Mision_Verdad
The doubts about what originated the first #apagon, were elucidated by themselves, and by statements like these:
By @Mision_Verdad
Venezuela overcame the harsh conditions produced by the first attack on the Electric System with the efforts of the people and workers of Corpoelec. Today will not be different. Keep calm and review the work we publish about this event. bit.ly/2FqhIZB
By @EnglishFars
Venezuela Blames Nationwide Blackouts on ‘Electromagnetic Attack’
Via @sweposten
The blackout affected the entire nation
#Venezuela blames nationwide blackouts on ‘electromagnetic attack’ rt.com/news/464803-ve…
Via @sweposten
#Venezuelan government blames 'electromagnetic attack' for nationwide blackout
#Maduro blamed the blackout on hostile attacks, accusing the #UnitedStates🇺🇸 of sabotaging power plants and the electricity grid.
By @PressTV
WATCH: Caracas, other parts of #Venezuela hit by power cut
By @telesurenglish
As Venezuelan authorities assured, the electric service is slowly and gradually being restored, hours after the power grid received an electromagnetic attack. #Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela telesurenglish.net/news/Electric-…
By @telesurenglish
#InPictures | #Venezuela wakes up with the electrical service restored in several zones of the country, after a new #blackout, but without mass transport service. Academic and work activities were suspended. #HandsOffVenezuela
By @telesurenglish
Venezuela suffered yet another attack on its power grid, a new form of war.
By @venanalysis
The 120-member Non-Aligned Movement held a ministerial meeting in Caracas as a US spy jet reportedly violated Venezuelan airspace.

"Venezuela says the blackout was caused by"an attack of electromagnetic character that sought to affect the hydroelectric system of Guyana, the main provider of service"

It was similar to cyber attacks in March/April, at the height of the US coup attempt"
By @BenjaminNorton
As far back as 2010, the US-funded regime-change organization that trained Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó and his allies suggested using blackouts as a "watershed event" for "galvanizing public unrest" thegrayzone.com/2019/03/11/us-…
@BenjaminNorton By @bodhibrian
pathetic meddling by brutal US empire: promises
@NicolasMaduro be left alone if he leaves venezuela.
wanna bet another promise US wont keep?
(link: miamiherald.com/news/nation-wo…) miamiherald.com/news/nation-wo
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro Via @AlanRMacLeod
#Venezuela- Juan Guaido has gone from "President" to "interim President" to "head of National Assembly" to "opposition figure" in the press over the last few months, a sign of the end of the media love affair.
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod By @bodhibrian
🗣️@SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings russia didnt attack your 'democracy' BUT youve attacked russias, libyas syrias and lately venzuelas:🤨👇
The History - and Hypocrisy - of US Meddling in Venezuela venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/14263
US politicans are hypocritial & despicable
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings By @bodhibrian
Article starts well and is fine ok maduro. then it turns to calling DPRK leader Kim Jon Un a 'dictator', 'leader of the worlds most murderous regime'. What utter bilge. & DPRK supports Venezuela & Maduro (link: nknews.org/2019/01/n-kore…) nknews.org/2019/01/n-kore
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings By @bodhibrian
scrapes the bottom of the state Dept waste bin by calling president putin 'unsavoury' and attacking xi Jinping
I hope @venanalysis are not endorsing the attacks in Putin xi & Kim!
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis By @telesurenglish
#Bolivia’s Minister for Hydrocarbons warned that the country’s right-wing opposition will privatize the country’s state gas company (#YPFB).
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis @telesurenglish @danielmkovalik By @venanalysis
Self-proclaimed "Interim President" has 'approved' Venezuela's reincorporation into a US-led military pact. Playing the US-intervention card again? #HandsOffVenezuela

Find out more: venezuelanalysis.com/news/14599
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis @telesurenglish @danielmkovalik Via @at2rty
Specialist Russian troops may be sent to Venezuela to protect against American "economic terror," Moscow says
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis @telesurenglish @danielmkovalik @at2rty By @telesurenglish
Venezuelan authorities say they reject the newest set of sanctions by the #UnitedStates government aimed at cutting off food aid for the poor into the South American country.
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis @telesurenglish @danielmkovalik @at2rty By @telesurenglish
During a ceremony marking the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Vargas Swamp, the Venezuelan president,
@NicolasMaduro, urged for peace and unity between his nation and the people of neighboring #Colombia.
@BenjaminNorton @bodhibrian @NicolasMaduro @AlanRMacLeod @SpeakerPelosi @RepCummings @MoralLowGround @venanalysis @telesurenglish @danielmkovalik @at2rty @Antiwarcom @DecampDave "Venezuela’s Supreme Court regards as illegitimate the attempt by the opposition-run Congress to invite foreign military forces into the country."

Venezuela’s Top Court Slams Opposition Over Foreign Military Aid: sputniknews.com/latam/20190727…
Via @MnarMuh
@MintPressNews Wikipedia has been blacklisted by a group of Juan Guaido supporters & Israel's right wing Likud party for our coverage on the US coup attempt in Venezuela & apartheid in Israel.
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews By @telesurenglish
Venezuelan authorities say they reject the newest set of sanctions by the #UnitedStates government aimed at cutting off food aid for the poor into the South American country.
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
#Russia's Foreign Minister #SergeiLavrov reiterated his country's support for negotiations with the government of President
and the Venezuelan opposition.
#Venezuela #Norway
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro By @venanalysis
"Finally, seven or eight years later, Unesco declared Venezuela a “territory free from illiteracy” after certifying the literacy of 1.7 million people."

@JessiDosSantos: looks back on major achievements as Chávez's 65th birthday approaches:bit.ly/32QdJit
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos By @venanalysis
bit.ly/2GxJkMh"In yet another sign that the US-backed coup is running on empty, corporate journalists’ triumphalist tone that followed Guaidó’s self-proclamation has given way to reports that he “remains defiant”, “soldiers on” or is “under pressure”."
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos By @venanalysis
What was that bit about sanctions not being meant to hurt the Venezuelan population? US just announced sanctions targeting Vzla's CLAP subsidized food program

Find out more: bit.ly/3113g2a
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos By @venanalysis
"I was a 9 year-old carajita listening to him..But outside my building,in a busy neighborhood of Caracas,tons of kids slept InTheStreets. It was hard to believe this man would OneDay achieve what he promised[get them off the streets].He did"bit.ly/32QdJit
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos By @Lechuguinos_com
¡VULGARES RATEROS! EEUU le ha robado a Venezuela más de 25 mil millones de dólares
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com By @Lechuguinos_com
¡SIGUEN LAS PROVOCACIONES! Otro avión espía de EEUU realizó ejercicios a 50 millas de espacio aéreo venezolano (+FOTO)
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com By @Lechuguinos_com
¡LADRONES DE CUELLO BLANCO! Sepa todo lo que se han robado Guaidó y sus compinches en CITGO (+TUITS)
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com By @Lechuguinos_com
¡DESESPERADOS! Gorbierno de EEUU al verse perdido en tumbar a Maduro comenzó ataque a los CLAP (··)
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com By @Lechuguinos_com
¡MALNACIDO! Juan Guaidó aplaudió sanciones del gobierno gringo contra los CLAP (+TUITS) *///
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com By @EnglishFars
Venezuela Accuses US of Another Airspace Violation After Scrambling Jet to Shadow Spy Plane
(link: fna.ir/dbb8u2) fna.ir/dbb8u2
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com @EnglishFars By @telesurenglish
Thousands marched through the streets of #Caracas, defending the nation’s right to peace and sovereignty against U.S. pressure to oust President
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com @EnglishFars By @telesurenglish
"Any intent to apply the #TIAR within Venezuela will be considered an act hostile to national sovereignty and an aggression against the territory, the people, peace and international law."
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com @EnglishFars By @southfronteng
Venezuela Accuses U.S. Of Airspace Violation A Week After Its Su-30 Intercepted US Spy Plane
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com @EnglishFars @southfronteng By @GrayzoneProject
"We are the vaccine against unilateralism":@anyaparampil
reports from the 2019 Non-AlignedMovement,where delegates from over 120 nations endorsed the rule of🇻🇪President #Maduro & discussed ways to counter the dictatorship of the dollar
@MnarMuh @MintPressNews @telesurenglish @NicolasMaduro @venanalysis @JessiDosSantos @Lechuguinos_com @EnglishFars @southfronteng @GrayzoneProject @anyaparampil @bodhibrian "#Venezuela is prepared to wage“absolute war”w/ the #USA if Washington makes a decision to attack it.
“We are few, a small country, we are very humble,& here it is likely that the #USA marines enter.Their problem will be getting out of #Venezuela [alive].”
“We are prepared [for war] today, and can say this without any hubris,” the politician stressed, adding that if the #USA wanted, they would get an “absolute war” which would unite “all our people in defence of our homeland.”
By @venanalysis
@jmcevoy_2 examines the ins and outs of Juan Guaidó's team and their shady connections.
@venanalysis @jmcevoy_2 By @venanalysis
With his coup drifting hopelessly into irrelevance, is self-proclaimed @jguaido hoping the mighty empire will come to the rescue? #HandsOffVenezuela
@venanalysis @jmcevoy_2 @jguaido By @CancilleriaVE
#NOTICIA | Presidente Maduro distingue a activistas norteamericanos que defendieron misión diplomática venezolana en Washington

@venanalysis @jmcevoy_2 @jguaido @CancilleriaVE Via @bodhibrian
President @NicolasMaduro receives and thanks the American activists who defended the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington
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