In fact, helping Warren get delegates is helping Biden or Pete win at this point, because she CLEARLY isn't going to pool with us!
Thread time:
The first is ensuring absolute dominance. You see to it Bernie gets as many votes as possible to put him at the highest percentage possible, and shut everyone else out as best you can from reaching the 15% minimum.
If Bernie has enough of a lead over Biden, Pete, or any other corporate hack who might pool with the establishment against him, they literally will not have enough delegates to play with to stop him.
This is the ideal scenario.
Realignment in the Iowa caucus among people who may have otherwise stayed home sans their first choice helps boost our %!
This is where delegate pooling can be a viable second angle, BUT!
You need SEVERAL conditions with a candidate and your own base for this to even *possibly* work!
They include:
2. The candidate draws more of their support from elsewhere than siphons from your base, making the combined total larger than a single candidate's.
3. Getting 15%!
My speculation is, some in the Bernie camp placed one too many of their chips into pooling delegates with Warren, and were blindsided by recent events, sending them into panic + damage control.
I would strongly caution the Bernie camp: As scary as it seems, maximizing Bernie's percentage is FAR more lucrative than this.
For many of them, Bernie is still their second choice. Make him their new first.✌️ /END