Coordinating with plow operations as well to make this happen.
#nlwx #nltraffic
@RNC_PoliceNL able to respond to emergencies, but shift change will take a couple hours.
#nlwx #nltraffic
He also says best thing people can do is to check in on neighbours, people you know.
#nlwx #nltraffic
Since about 5 a.m. crews “back, deployed and working to open up some of the” major roadways.
Drifts up to 15 ft.
“These are in regular sections of the highway,” says Ball.
#nlwx #nltraffic
#nlwx #nltraffic #nlblizzard2020
#nlwx #nltraffic #nlblizzard2020
So clean-up has started, and everyone is working together which is so important, Ball says.
“This is one for the history books.l
So they’re asking for patience, continue to check on each other. Seeing a lot of necessary cooperation.
“I don’t know if we need to call in the army, personally,” he says.
“Big storms in the decade I was there, but nothing touches this one.”
Daytime hours tomorrow will be snow-free, temps in minus 6 range, low wind.
Still focusing on keeping people inside so crews can get major routes opened up to get essential personnel to and from work.
He says some people have been working since 7am yesterday.
Needs to be safe for volume of traffic, but understanding people want to get out and about.
Says 511 will have most up-to-date info on status of roads.
#nlblizzard2020 #nltraffic
#nlblizzard2020 #nltraffic
That was a 24-hour storm, and the snowfall record for 24-hours was broken yesterday with 76 cm recorded at #YYT