🔺 the animal source of the new #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak
🔺 the extent of person-to-person transmission
🔺 the screening efforts in other provinces of #China
🔺 the enhancement of surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections in these regions
🔺 to reinforce containment and mitigation measures
As it was yesterday, the Emergency Committee was divided over whether the outbreak of novel coronavirus represents a PHEIC"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
WHO’s risk assessment is that the outbreak is a very high risk in China, and a high risk regionally and globally"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
We know that among those infected, one quarter of patients have experienced severe disease"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
We recommend exit screening at airports as part of a comprehensive set of containment measures"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
The committee has made several recommendations to prevent the further spread of the virus, which the Chair has described, and which I have accepted"-@DrTedros
WHO has a full package of information on its website"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
Nothing could be further from the truth"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
We are working to prevent human-to-human transmission"-@DrTedros
We are coordinating our networks of global experts.
We are working to advance the development of diagnostics, therapeutics & vaccines"-@DrTedros on new #coronavirus
And I will not hesitate to reconvene the committee at a moment’s notice"-@DrTedros