Normally I'm okay with tedium, but also there's a lot of golf talk so far, and that may exceed my tediousness threshold.
Trump is just making up random econ stats, and then everyone around the table goes, "Wow," "Incredible," "Woooww," "Amazing."
oh no no we're back to the golf
Trump: "Aren't the frackers out now because of the price? ... That's what I've heard."
Trump: "How long would they last in a fight with Russia?"
Parnas: "Germany isn't doing anything, they're supporting Russia."
Okay who the hell bleeped that out and why?
Trump: "What?"
Parnas: "Have you thought about" allowing states to do something "with cannabis?"
Yeah Lev, work that grift.
Trump assures him that will "all work itself out."
Trump: "Pam is great."
Oh, the same Pam Bondi that's on Trump's team for the senate trial?
Naftogaz, if that's what they're referring to, was obviously not in the process of being purchased.
"Magazines are DEAD," Trump declares.
And Trump abruptly ends the dinner, with a joke about having "a long way back."
Now someone is reading a Teddy Roosevelt speech for some reason.
Trump: How's Ukraine doing? Don't answer[?].
Parnas: They love you though.
Trump: I tell you they're great fighters. ... I think they are. They're great fighters. They've been fighting for so long they don't know what to do without fighting.