Nov. 17: Hunter has sex with her.
Aug. 18: She gives birth.
May. 19: She files papers.
June-July 19: Server can't locate him at his L.A. small 1 br apt ($3,500/mo.)
July 19: while moving out to move to $14K/mo house, server finds new Brazilian wife. Serves...
July 19: Hunter does a New Yorker interview about his checkered past.
Aug 19: Hunters lawyers file to dismiss and that he didn't live at the apt. (He moved out July 15, 2019).
Sept 10, 2019: Whistleblower report starts being whispered about in Congress...
Sept 30, 2019: Hunter denies baby is his. Court orders DNA test.
Oct 19: Hunters lawyer takes back claim he didn't live at Apt. 3 days later, steps down from...
Nov 19: Hunter takes DNA test. Test shows his. Hunter asks for everything to be sealed, most importantly his financials. Same day, revised motion filed. Hunter not happy.