It’s not that we don’t want to. I’d love to. That would make my job a lot easier.

“I ate a burrito last night that tasted funny. I BELIEVE I have food poisoning. I woke up this morning and vomited twice.”
Nurse: “when was your last menstrual cycle?”
Patient: “I don’t recall.”
Patient: “oh no.”
Nurse: “do you take any medications?”
Patient: “nope.”
Nurse: “are you sexually active?”
Patient: “yeah.”
Doctor: “collect a urine for a U-preg”
Patient is pregnant. No food poisoning.
Nurse: “what were you doing when this pain started?”
Nurse: “did you feel short of breath at this time?”
Patient: “I did have to cut my walk short because I felt winded.”
Nurse: immediately performs EKG. EKG shows ST segment elevation in 3 leads.
Patient is having a heart attack.