Land title was never extinguished in BC.
Confederation “legally” transferred land title to the crown and they divided up the land and sold it.
British Columbians are squatters on indigenous land.

That test protects established urban centres and farm land. But Wet’suwet’en is neither.

Again, a legal trick to force ceding of indigenous land title for the pipeline.
They knew they were obtaining an illegal approval.
They didn’t block the pipeline. They were willing to negotiate an alternate route.
But it’s about money and profits.
The alternate route would mean a smaller pipe diameter and less product capacity.
That’s what Hereditary Chiefs are protesting. That’s what sympathetic indigenous groups are standing in solidarity for.
Many think that was in the past, so we should all just let it go and start anew. That’s not the reconciliation indigenous seek.
Canadian mainstream doesn’t realize indigenous are not willing to let it go.
It’s been established that land title was never ceded.
But indigenous do not benefit, or only nominally benefit, from the natural resources that are harvested on their land.
The BC FN are not going to back down.
Is BC indigenous territory or Canadian territory.
Those fighting this battle are the subsection of FN who want to cede from Canada. So there can be no further attempts to steal their land.
Some of the most militant want to expel all squatters, i.e. everyone who isn’t a BC FN status indigenous person. That means Métis and non status FN as well.
And guess what. BC just approved its own UNDRIP legislation.
Most FN just want to protect their territory. But some want radical change.
That is the current squabble within the FN indigenous community in BC.
That’s what they mean by reconciliation.
Now that agenda is out in the open. Cons are trying to divert attention from it because they seek to have all title ceded.
That’s why Singh is diverting focus onto PM Trudeau, loading blame and smearing LPC.
Cons intend to bribe their way through indigenous land title if it’s established. Their only caveat was FPIC.
FN want FPIC to maintain leverage and maximize their negotiating position.
I’ve circulated the case study published on Atlas Network website quite a few times.
With new values for profits over land protection, FN are in a good position to escape poverty.
Several FN are more than willing to take prosperity over poverty. These communities will not block Fossil Fuels. Most will gladly pocket the profits.
At the moment, it is Traditional Hereditary Chiefs who are advocating for pristine land preservation.
Cons have done their homework and prepped the communities for this constitutional crisis.
How it’s resolved is unknown.
*FN have established land title exists and was never ceded in B.C.
*Some FN want cesession from Canada and are aligned with Libertarian ideology (both right and left libertarianism), & this aligned with CPC or NDP political parties.
* Others just want to protect territory and aren’t seeking cessation from Canada. They just want their rights recognized and respected.
* At the moment it’s difficult to discern who is who.
* The FN who have adopted free market ideology are the majority in western Canada. Many support Wexit in BC, AB & SK.
I’ve been trying to communicate many of these facts for well over a year.
Conservatives, with the assistance of hardline socialist in NDP, have engineered a constitutional crisis.
Get ready for a bumpy political environment.