Friedrich Merz

Instead it is about what Merz tells us about German politics, the CDU, and the state of the race to succeed Merkel.
His political career is a peculiar one. He was a MEP 1994-1999, then in the Bundestag from 1999. He was chair of the CDU-CSU Parliamentary Group (Fraktion) 2000-2002, when Merkel ousted him from that post.
Each and every one of them Members of the Bundestag (MdB) for years before taking the role.
But his star faded fast too - as Merkel managed to oust him, & then became the dominant character of CDU & German politics
Schäuble has been quiet this week so far though.
This time the opponents are different. Spahn has decided to stand aside for Armin Laschet, the State Premier of Nordrhein Westfalen. And Norbert Röttgen, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag is also running,
In contrast to Laschet trying to be all things to all people, and Röttgen promising a gender balanced ticket, Merz is abrasive.
More on that from Zeit here:……
But a standard CDU politician he is not. He is not a person for consensus, for careful words, for moderation.
As if the very return to front line politics is a bit of a drag, mixed in with the edge of glee he would get from succeeding Merkel after all these years.
No more of the pussy-footing around of the Merkel years, no more of the careful consensus building. It's time for a do-er, time for an alpha male.