Aggregate data:
50 yr old Westchester county man
Commutes Manhattan
SAR Academy closed
Father of student hospitalized
HTH transmission
No history of travel or known contact w/travelers
MTA pulled out the bleach
NY discusses bringing students abroad home
Cuomo seeks blanket emergency powers + funding
2 tested Albany area
Today's thread #COVID19
@turnbolt11 @g_easton819 @TexasKelGirl @RMachArts @MadAddictSport @SonofMan__2 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @DancingInTheTao
Traveled abroad, not in CDC declared "hotspot", & returned Feb 20.
@BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 up / down thread
Missed you 2 on 1st tag/ ran out of characters 😘…
CA - 4 new cases Sonoma county
1 took cruise San Fran to MX
2 San Mateo county
1 new Santa Clara county - 2 others prior had China travel
+ tracing contacts on woman- El Camino hospital (Santa Clara)…
NH case = Italy link
RI case = Italy link
IL- 2 = elderly couple/transmission unknown
OR - 3 new
@turnbolt11 @RMachArts @olystubbies44 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020…
They were in Rome and Florence. Rome has 7 cases.
Principal & students from Christian Prep…
Gov't may declare Bergamo quarantined w/new cluster
Among new, 2 are judges from Milan & a newborn in Bergamo with unknown contact
61 yr old Doc who died = no other health issues
55 yr old = youngest death…