CHI 20 yr old asymptomatic patient -cluster of 6.
1st known asymptomatic transmission w/asymptomatic patient reporting NO clincial symptoms & clear CTs.
She had:
2 CTs - 1/27 & 1/31
4 PCRs w/ only 1 positive

Wuhan visit Jan 10.
Only 1 of 4 PCRs positive...from nasal swab only.
PCRs widely known for false negatives w/ 30-60% accuracy depending on which gov't source issues numbers.
Stealth pathogen coupled w/ inaccuracy of PCRs?
Data and screen caps taken from PDF file on this link.
See top left of link where it says "Download PDF"
Female late 30's
Home isolation
#COVID19 #COVID19NewYork
CHI- 46-65% failed to survive ICU/not age specific.
24 yr old survivor said she had to consciously breathe.
Me: FEMA went into prep mode long before today just like the US military did globally, but, yes, I expect an Emergency Declaration, too.
Korea Onvit Hospital:
ALL inpatients and staff taking Oral Vit C
COVID19 Patients rec'ing Vit C IV @ 30,000 mg
ALL patients and staff receiving intravenous Vit D @ 200,000 units
Reopens school after disinfecting. Agree too soon.
Disinfecting school is not going to stop the spreading as contacts already made.
14 Dx
6 deaths all @ Evergreen Hospital
King County Exec Constantine{
County purchasing motel, modular housing for patients infected
How many quarantined?????
I know 1/2 the Fire Dept is.
H/T @ivycedarlane
As reported previously with site digging images, a new image of reported mass grave in Iran for coronavirus victims.
Iran burying bodies at night. They've still not been forthcoming on cases or deaths.
52 deaths/up 18 from Sun
1835 confirmed-most asymptomatic or mild
742 hospitalized
166 ICU
149 more recovered
2 new cases Rome-Firefighter + policeman(+2 children & sister-in-law of LEO)
updated global data FWIW
90,301 confirmed
Outside CHI
174 deaths
286 serious/critical
80,026 CHI
2912 deaths CHI
7,110 serious
44,462 recovered
715 suspected
Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon
3 others tested negative in NH
#Covid19Brazil #COVID19germany #covid19UK
1st case is more like genome sequencing in #Germany w/ 2 similar mutations.
2nd case is similar to genome sequencing from #UK
Azar #COVID19
43 confirmed H2H cases in US
"Risk remains low BUT risk for those exposed remains high"
We must be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
Disproportionate effect on elderly and immune challenged
After booking, Dallas County Sheriff’s Office said late Mon night that during screening process suspect indicated he had traveled internationally.
Taken to Parkland for medical screening.
#Health officials contacted +/-100 people who may have been in contact with nation's 1st #COVID19 patient—identified as an #Italian man—in an attempt to prevent an #CoronavirusOutbreak.
H/T @g_easton819