- Coronavirus is VERY contagious so anyone who was in the same room of an infected person (even hours later) needs to quarantine for 14 days because they may have it.
- 14 days because symptoms pop at day 5-6 but some cases pop on
- In Italy, many deaths happened at day 9 of getting the virus which means hospitalization starts a few days before that.
- Hospitalization Rate of Coronavirus, we are told, is 10-15 %. The Death Rate is 1-3 percent.
Day 0 - Exposure.
Day 5-14 Coronavirus hits
Day 10-19 hospitalization
Days 14-23 mass deaths is happening.
Of 1 million cases, the above math means 100,000 to 150,000 in the hospital (10% to 15%) and 10,000 to 30,000 deaths (1 to 3 percent)
- The first case in the US was January 19th; which means we are now in the 56th day.
- There were no mass measures in the US against Corona such as closing down schools/big events/travel until the 7th week and even that is just marginally. Most of the US is still fully open.
- Considering that Coronavirus is so contagious and so little has been done until today, day 56, it is fair to guess that the US has already 1 million cases. This would be third of a percent of the population; much less than a mild flu year so it's a low estimate.
If so, why does the US not have now, day 56, 100K-150K hospitalizations and also 10K to 30K deaths? Answer: Either we are not yet at a low-balling 1 million cases, or we R there (and we don't know due to lack of testing) but the hospital/death rates is way lower than feared.
"We don't know how many cases we have due to lack of testing." True, but we can estimate the case load by going off the 10-15 hospitalization rate and 1-3 percent death rate. (Hospitalizations/Deaths from Corona is known so this data won't change with mass testing).
BESIDES, since we don't know the real case count due to lack of mass testing, you are admitting that the current Hospitalization/Deaths Rates are way lower than what it appears because it appears high due to lack of known cases. Basically, based of what we know/are told
It will take less panic and more time for people to realize the above conclusion, but instead of admitting that so many of us - from laymen to gov leaders - were being driven by panic, we will tell ourselves "it could have been worse but for the lockdown measures."
Because that will be the talking point, I am pointing out that the US is now in day 56 but with very little measures in place. Most schools/shops are open; plane/trains/buses are operating; only a few thousand tests were done, yet we don't have now tens of thousands of
deaths which should have been the case at this point if Coronavirus was as contagious and also as deadly as feared now. The available data from the US and around the globe shows that it is either or, but everyone is behaving as if it is both!
A. It is either or; not both.
B. Likely on the deadly - not contagion - side.
(C. Possibly not even as deadly as feared. We'll C)