Can prof can do that ? @jmiu_official and @ABRSIR and Please confirm.
Twitter defense by @ABRSIR is less believable in view of his other tweets last couple of months.
Share results of all his students.
Confirm if he has 15:55 Musl!m ratio.
is not it incitement ?

I have gathered some material. Rest others who got it archived may add in this thread.

One Ummah-One Struggle-One solution is his call.

RT if you like.
I am done with threads like this. There are so many examples of bigot ilk @ABRSIR
No pointing wasting more time on people ilk him.
PS: I noted @OpIndia_com did a story, while scrolling through @ABRSIR page.
According to @ABRSIR
KHALIFA and to live in Darul Islam is an obligation on all Muslim.

@jmiu_official @HRDMinistry @DrRPNishank @swati_gs
@RoshaniRustomji @DivyaInExile @AICTE_INDIA
@sambitswaraj @RicchaDwivedi @NijVaani2019 @OpIndia_com