Will our health service let staff get infected?
Or will they follow best practice guidelines developed in Wuhan?
This image from the fever clinic in Randwick does not inspire confidence.

In this Harvard webinar, @XihongLin describes how Chinese health management stopped infections amongst health staff by adopting stringent PPE practices.
Whole webinar can be viewed here:

Now that we know what best practice is, infections amongst health staff should not be tolerated. We cannot let our nurses & doctors suffer repeat exposures to COVID19. Look at what’s happening in Spain & Italy. We can avoid this
1) Has NSW Health sought a briefing from Chinese experts on what was learnt in Wuhan re stopping infections amongst health workers?
2) Were reps from unions invited to such a briefing? (nurses, doctors, HSU)
3) Do PPE supplies match pandemic modelling?
Every single doctor, nurse & health worker is precious.
Now that China has shown how to stop infections amongst health staff, we must learn from their expertise.
As a community, we want assurance that health workers are getting gold standard protection.