Initial takeaway: With aid cut, US (for now) is practically getting along better w/Taliban than w/Ghani govt. It appears to view Kabul as bigger obstacle to peace talks than Taliban. Bad news for Delhi, not necessarily for Islamabad. #AFGPanel
If aid cut does little, if peace talks don’t take off, if US quickens withdrawal: Bad for both (war’s bad for everyone) but perhaps not as bad for Pak.
Let’s unpack. #AFGPanel
Islamabad’s ties w/Kabul fragile at best, toxic at worst.
If Ghani gov't is undermined, more of a problem for Delhi than Islamabad. #AFGPanel
Both support peace talks as currently envisaged, but India more cautiously and Pakistan more emphatically. #AFGPanel
Generally, India and Pakistan prefer governments in Afghanistan that are friendly to them and not as friendly to the other. #AFGPanel
Pak would double down support for Taliban. India would respond in kind w/its own assets in Afg. Proxy war? #AFGPanel