Suggestions several steps Trump could take to help manage the #COVID19 pandemic today and look toward coming crises to address them now.
- Another round of checks in 6 weeks
- Up to $10k student loan debt as proposed by Sen Warren and her colleagues
- Money for states ob unlike fed they can’t have a deficit.
-should go to where they are MOST needed (currently it’s done by population)
- military should help build hospital ICU units
Asks about prioritizing testing for first responders so they can be confident not infecting family.
Biden says tests should be prioritize docs, nurses, EMT frontline
- they passed paid leave if they need to be home due to crisis (depends on how it’s implemented he noted)
-providing significantly more help for mental health within their own hospital, $ should be covered
He says he would have regular announcements to assure people.
Some banter because Biden called him “Doctor” by mistake, Biden apologizes for “demoting him” (joke as Trung is nurse)
Biden says “there’s nothing we can’t do when we work together.”
And what a relief it is to hear from someone interested in actually managing the crisis instead of turning it into a self-centered circus.