“9 Georgia counties, most of them also in the southern part of the state, not only lack hospitals but have no practicing physicians at all.
18 have no family-practice doctors. 32 have no internal-medicine doctors.”
Now COVID newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
Claiming “people had only learned in the previous twenty-four hours that the virus could be transmitted by carriers who were not exhibiting any symptoms.”
Hugs. Handshaking. Comfort. Kisses. What could be more ordinary and decent?
Just 1 went down ill
No one thought anything exceptional was happening.
Shortness of breath.
91 bed hospital.
Countless physicians.

You can feel the uncertainty about what they were trying to deal with. What were the risks? Was it Ebola (mostly over there not over here - and containable) or was it something else?
This massive world of Don’t Know
No one was prepared for the sheer scale of the invasion.
We are seeing this the world over.
It is not normal that lines of medics applause when someone makes it off a ventilator in ordinary times. No matter how cheered they are that they have a success.
And, yes, that is disgust you hear in my voice.
This is Ohio. But the same schtick
H/T @eugemeade for the link. Illustrates the deeply unchristian attitude perfectly