1>"Sanders didn’t run a smart enough campaign."
@BrookingsGov @nytimes report Sanders camp assumed their support in '16 was pro-Bernie, not anti-HRC & failed to do enough to keep at least some of those voters.

Sanders said so himself. He conceded the race after losing every county in Michigan. He just didn't drop out. c-span.org/video/?c486304…
Turnout for voters under 30 was down nearly 3% in 20 compared to 16.
🚩 #Vote! Register & request absentee ballots online: vote.org/register-to-vo…

Irony is that #Biden is running on same #progressive platform #Sanders & #Warren ran on & the only people who seem to know this are right-wingers in full panic: He's not moderate! He's not moderate!
They're right.
#DoTheReading threadreaderapp.com/thread/1244077…
Thanks in large measure to #Bernie, Biden is further LEFT than ALL previous #dem nominees. threadreaderapp.com/thread/1236841…