Rockefeller Foundation "Message Handbook- #Covid19 Testing & #Tracing, Sept 2020"
Social license: obtained via behavioural change, social engineering, marketing, #emotive storytelling. Manipulation in an environment of fear. The power of #conformity used as a weapon against us.
Handbook, message research & development
produced by Hattaway Communications.
"Our team also worked w/ #Rockefeller to develop #Storytelling For Good, a digital platform & training program that provides toolkits, case studies and strategic guidance... Orgs around the world are using the platform's narrative & networking tools to expand their reach..."
The handbook is "intended for public health professionals, communicators, advocates or anyone else who needs to motivate the public to participate in testing & #tracing."
April 21, 2020: "#Rockefeller is rolling out the "largest public health testing program in American history" & aims to form a "#Pandemic Testing Board" that utilizes US national guard to deploy testing."
"Tips for Cutting Through the Jargon and replacing technical wording with memorable, motivating language. Ideas for Countering Misinformation when it arises, and
[Face masks serve as an inescapable reminder - ensuring no one can move on or forget.]
"STRONG SUPPORT FOR RAPID SCREENING TESTS - Public health experts have suggested that #schools & #employers should test all students or #employees."
"A new data governance model for contact tracing: #Authorized Public Purpose Access"
"Under APPA, personal data can sometimes be accessed & used w/o explicit individual consent, provided this is done for a specific, widely agreed-upon public purpose."
You see, even though 2+2 does in fact = 4, they can make a person, even whole societies, believe otherwise.
["Facebook labels 2+2=4 “misinformation” Social media giant’s “fact-checkers” are selling falsehoods & re-writing history." @OffGuardian0 ]
Davos, Jan 23, 2018. Speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF), India's PM Narendra Modi: "Today, #data is a real wealth and it is being said that whoever acquires and controls the data will have #hegemony in the future."
Q: What does #Imperial College, the World Economic Forum (#WEF), #Salesforce, #Sinovation Ventures (Chinese technology venture capital), #ABB (#automation technology), global artificial intelligence (#AI), all have in common?
"The training also involved using a loudspeaker to generate wolf sounds...
The letter was developed by information warfare specialists with the Halifax Rifles, a reserve unit."
"... the deception has nothing to do with wolves; it was likely an exercise in the testing the #military's skills in trying to #manipulate the population with #false#information. 'You start a rumour about wolves on the loose and then you see how the public reacts."
Ahead, as part of the #GreatReset, is the finacialization of nature. "#Ecosystem services" & #biodiversity will be bought, sold & traded on #WallStreet. This will be the largest transformation of the global economic system in modern history.
It must be stopped. @nodealfornature
Assigning monetary value to nature ("#NaturalCapital") will replace #GDP. The very corporations & institutions that have destroyed the natural world, will then own what remains - what they have not yet destroyed.
Nature's contribution (theft) to the global economy is est. at 125 trillion $ annually, while world's annual #GDP is est. at 85.9 trillion dollars (2018). "Natural Capital" accounting will replace #GDP.
"#Ecosystems are assets. We are talking about an asset mgt. problem."
No. Ecosystems are biological COMMUNITIES that exist for their own purposes. Not ours.
Depraved #WEF, #WWF et al. after decades of plunder, plan to seize what remains.
"As we navigate our way through the biggest #economic#crisis since the 2nd world war, we are still facing the existential threat of biodiversity loss & climate change."
They do not give a fuck about biodiversity. They trashed it for profits. They do not care about the climate.
What they do care about. Protecting & expanding current power structures. Protecting the ruling class to which they belong. Profit$.
Markets are not the solution to the accelerating biodiversity crisis & ecological breakdown. They are the cause.
"As a systemic amplifier (upselling & shifting ideas, products, behaviours), #marketing & #advertising has the power to nudge our collective systems in a direction in line w/ this ‘#GreatReset’ thinking/goal."
Repackaging technological enslavement & the monetization of nature.
"Companies from across [] Ireland & UK’s creative, marketing/communications industry came together to launch The #GreatReset, [] that hopes to maintain/promote the positive behaviours & environmental shifts created during lockdown, where we had a trial run of sustainable living."