when it comes to engaging #STEM#academics (an essential task in order to gain max momentum to tackle problems like #casualisation), i think 1 difficulty is that #activism uses a lot of logical fallacies. this makes taking action appear irrational 1/15
identifying an issue (e.g. casualisation) and claiming it impacts other issues (e.g. mental health problems) = potential false cause, and/or hasty generalisation fallacy
making broad statements (e.g. gender pay gap is a real problem) = ambiguity fallacy
claims about what could happen in the future = slippery slope fallacy
you can see why this might seem unappealing if this is the way you're trained to think.
but i think there's 2 points: 1. activism is not science; such fallacies imo are ay okay 4/15
for me, if we got rid of 99 % of casualised staff, the anecdotes and appeals to emotion from the 1 % still suffering is more than enough reason to push for better
BUT that is me thinking with my activism #hat on, not my #STEM hat... 5/15
2. taking issue with these fallacies is in itself fallacious:
(i) THE FALLACY FALLACY: just because a conclusion has been reached fallaciously, does not mean the conclusion is definitely wrong
(ii) MIDDLE GROUND FALLACY: believing the middle ground/compromise/point between 2 extremes is right. in my experience #STEM#academics do this A LOT, esp w political topics, eg most i know were against brexit but gave credit to brexit arguments cos they seemed "balanced"
(iii) BLACK OR WHITE FALLACY: where two alternatives are seen as the ONLY options, e.g. go on strike & be on the pickets OR carry on going to work and ignore the strikes
ideally, it would be nice to spend some time educating everyone properly on political action and discourse. that's infeasible. equally, telling STEM academics they are using logical fallacies too i imagine would not go down well either 9/15
so i think we need to flip our own discourse instead: start talking about obvious tangible things that DIRECTLY affect the #academics we are targeting. e.g. casualisation is jargon-y, has loads of individual & social implications, & intersects with a host of other issues 10/15
these are all abstract holistic concepts. what is tangible to see though is that having #postdocs always on temporary contracts might add stress to the PI - constantly recruiting new people who might be rubbish, who you might not work well with... 11/15
...time sorting through applications & doing interviews, time wasted on the project w inducting them to the lab/office, getting them settled etc. imagine a world where you didnt have that stress!
i think this type of discourse could engage at least some of the unengaged 12/15
caveats: 1. i have no idea if this is legitimate, im speaking from personal experience 2. sorry to single out STEM academics; this is a group who seem universally more difficult to engage. the points prob apply more broadly & obvs ample exceptions!13/15 #academia#AcademicTwitter
the point of all this to fuel conversation about wider academic engagement in our highly politicised university. we are #StrongerTogether so i think leaving the unengaged unengaged is harmful to progress and creates a divided university = divided strength... 14/15
...since we want more people engaged, it is up to us to change tact. the ideas above are suggestions to consider, critique, and if you like, try. another tool for the tool box. we still need the rest of the tool box though ofc! 15/15
ok i've used R now for about 10 hours so im definitely suitably enough experienced to say i hate it, its a big pile of shit, i dont know why this is what is popular, and i wish i had access to stata again. WAHHHHH
im sure people can tell me a million reasons why R is great. sorry to say: YOU'RE WRONG.
i will delete these tweets in a few weeks when it finally clicks and i think R is brilliant like everyone else does
i promised in this thread i'd offer an idea of an alternative #academic#publishing model, so here it is. be prepared, changing to this would require some seriously radical change... 1/17
il do this comparison with the last paper i got formally accepted to a journal as these 2 co-occured so there's no "time effect" or anything as a confounder. (JP = journal publishing; PP = preprint publishing) 2/9
JP: rejected 6 times (i think); 3 were editorial rejections *explicitly* mentioning the null findings as a reason for rejection
PP: paper is out there open for anyone to openly critique and i welcome this 3/9
(i still have a few collaborative papers to write and these will be published properly for the benefit of my co-authors)
i will soon publish a paper on a pre-print server, with no intention of submitting to an academic journal. my reasons for this are manifold 2/38
1. #academia is inherently corrupt & the publication model facilitates this:
- unpaid labour (editors, peer-reviewers,& authors [ok, they do get paid by the uni which oft = public funds yet journals privately profit & we see none of this unlike other forms of publishing]) 3/38
for those who missed my @aberdeen_ucu talk today on #sugar, #breakfast, #health & #appetite, a wee thread on the fascinating properties of sugar...
full talk (poor sound qual) can be found here:
#sugar is demonised in the media, literally described as "evil". myths include: its addictive, causes cravings, makes you hungry, makes you overeat, makes you gain weight.
current #publichealth guidelines target reducing sugar
#breakfast is touted the "most important" meal of the day. what does "important" mean?
breakfast is the highest #sugar meal of the day so a good meal to target to reduce total sugar.
breakfast = complex to define, but broadly breaks the overnight fast (break-fast) 3/21