This 2019 article, written a year before the ethnofascist #TPLF launched war on #Ethiopia, exposes the rampant #rape &sexual violence that #women of #Tigray suffered from the rapist TPLF gang. The defeated criminal TPLF "men" are continuing their rape now!…
2) In this video clip from 2018 brodacast of #Tigray's DW-TV, a #Tigrayan woman recounts the horrible mysogynistic culture in Tigray under #TPLF, where #rape & sexual violence against Tigray's #women is a commonplace occurence, & 60% of Tigrayan womem are victims of rape. #Yikono
4) In another interview in 2019, #Tigray activist @meazaG_ revealed a policeman in Adi Daero committed #SexualViolence on over 50 women (including married women) & was released within 12 hours paying about $20 USD bail — a common occurrence in #TPLF's Tigray. #Eritrea#Ethiopia
5) «Rape/#sexualviolence against women in #Tigray is not a new problem due to war. A few years back, some Tigrayans have been voicing their concerns about the alarming rise of sexual violence against #women in Tigray! I'm posting this lest we forget.»
—via @HussenMuhye #Ethiopia
6) The #SexualViolence, #rape, murderous rage & #misogyny against #women in #Tigray under #TPLF rule reached such a horrendous level that a few young Tigrayan women dared to protest these injustices in 2019 in the cities of Tigray rasing the slogan of #ይኾኖ#Yikono, Enough!
7) Muluberhan Haile, former administrator of #Tigray's northern zone, confirmed to @VOATigrigna on 2 March 2021 that it's the remnants of the defeated #TPLF masquerading as Eritrean soldiers who are raping & looting in Tigray, NOT #Eritrea|n or #Ethiopia|n troops. #TPLFcrimes
8) Again, here's Muluberhan Haile exposing how remnants of the now-defunct #TPLF are terrorizing #Tigray's population, especially #women, to provide false testimony of #rape, massacre &looting by #Eritrea's troops, while it's TPLF forces who are committing these crimes. #TplfLies
9) As #TPLF was routed by the #Ethiopia|n army, retreating in defeat back in late Nov 2020, it released 13k criminals from prisons in Mekelle & other cities of #Tigray. Many of these criminals were serial rapists & murderers deliberately let loose on the population. #TplfCrimes
10) #TPLF's release of thousands of criminals from its jails was reluctantly admitted by one of its #propaganda hacks of the Washington-based #TigrayMediaHouse. He admitted that these criminals were committing theft & other crimes, terrorizing the population #Tigray. #TplfCrimes
11) After #TPLF's defeat in early December 2020, residents of #Mekelle, capital of #Tigray, testify to the breakdown of law & order—theft & robbery in broad daylight by Tigrayan criminals. No mention of #Eritrea's army, much less massacre & rape. It was all Tegaru-onTegaru crime.
12) From its beginning in 1975, throughout its 46 years of existence, the ethnofascist #TPLF clique was a very narrow, insecure & violently criminal group. Former TPLF guerrilla, Lilay Hailemariam, recounted #TplfCrimes in a series of interviews in summer 2020 on #Ethiopia's TV.
13) The incontrovertible FACT: #TPLFstartedTheWar. #TPLF chief, Debretsion Gebremichael, on 4 Nov 2020, openly declared total war on #Ethiopia. "We'll bury them," he boasted. #Propaganda chief, Getachew Reda, also admitted firing rocket missiles at #Eritrea. These are #WarCrimes.
14) Lest there be any doubt, here is the #TPLF's warmonger-in-chief, Debretsion Gebremichael, in Sept 2020, 2 months before they unleashed their war on #Ethiopia & #Eritrea, openly stating their intention to "Kill'em all". TPLF was hellbent on its war agenda. #TPLFstartedTheWar
15) On 9 Nov. 2020, all the hate poison of the ethnofascist #TPLF burst forth at the town of #MaiKadra. #TPLF-organized youth gang called "Samri" & militias committed selective murder of over thousand #Amhara civilians in what became known as the #MaiKadraMassacre. #Ethiopia
17) The exact number of the victims of #MaiKadraMassacre keeps rising as new mass graves are uncovered. But, so far, over one thousand #Amhara residents as well as migrant workers from #Oromo & #Wolaita ethnicities are known to have been mudered by #TPLF thugs. #Tigray#Ethiopia
18) The survivors of the #MaiKadraMassacre have yet to tell the horror of those terrible days in their entirety. For that matter, #TPLF's #CrimesAgainstHumanity in #Ethiopia is yet to be documented & told in its entirety. What we know is only the tip of the iceberg. #TplfCrimes
21) As the horror of #MaiKadraMassacre became too evident to hide, #TPLF's warmonger-in-chief had to come out & admit the massacre happened, though simultaneously he denied responsibility with typical TPLF doublespeak. This "#genocide denialism" is so prevalent in TPLF remnants.
22) In the city of #Humera, bordering both #Eritrea & #Sudan, a worse #genocide than the #MaiKadraMassacre was averted & #TPLF's evil plan was foiled by the #Ethiopia|n national army & #Amhara militia. Still, Humera had witnessed massacre during past 30 years of TPLF's misrule.
23) Within 3 weeks after igniting the war, #TPLF was being routed by #Ethiopia's army & its forces collapsing like a house of cards. On 30 Nov. 2020, Robert Parsons, @FRANCE24's chief foreign editor, admitted the lies of TPLF as a formidable fighting force. #TplfLies#TplfCrimes
24) In fact, #TplfLies were too much for @FRANCE24's @Observers that it had step in to debunk one such #TPLF#fakenews thusly:
«Videos claiming to show forces from the #Tigray People's Liberation Front shooting down an #Ethiopian jet are not what they seem to be.» #Ethiopia
In its May 17th edition, #Eritrea's newspaper, Haddas Eritrea, had an editorial titled, "The #TPLF's new war adventurism: Why & for what objectives".
The editorial asserts that the main target of this latest TPLF war preparations is Eritrea & its people.…
«Because they never learn from their previous disastrous experiences, are never bothered by massive deaths of the people of #Tigray about whom they pretend to care, & the only thing they care about is their hunger for power, #TPLF are now beating the war drums for the 3rd time.»
«In #Ethiopia, #TPLF's lust for power has as its aim to control again Welkait, Tegede & Humera, where they've committed genocide in their 27 years of misrule, & to open the corridor to the #Sudan, thereby plunging the country into chaos & disintegration.» #BreakTheSilence#NoMore
3/ As #TPLF was routed by the #Ethiopia|n army, retreating in defeat back in November 2020, it released 13k criminals from the prisons in cities of #Tigray, including Mekelle. Many of these released criminals were imprisoned for #rape. TPLF deliberately released these rapists.