#Russia to be equipped with hypersonic #Zircon missiles within weeks | Dec 21
- warned the Kremlin will invest whatever necessary to increase its #nuclear arsenal - Zircon #hypersonic cruise missiles will be available to his forces within weeks. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
#KansallinenTurvallisuus sikailevan #Mediapooli'n varassa. @RSF_fi
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You can participate in the activity by supporting #Hursti with a #donation
-The organization began its operations in the 1960s and was founded by social worker Veikko Hursti. #Laupeudentyö ry's operations are currently managed by Veikko's son Heikki Hursti hurstinapu.fi
#Finland have been years under the #auspices of the #European Comittee of #SocialRights.
- It adopted reports concerning Finland in 2008, 2012, 2017 and 2018
'4. However, when it came time for the hospital to initiate the transfusion the doctors and nurses claimed they were unable to locate the #unvaccinated donors #blood the parents had #procured. So without the parents #consent they took blood from the hospitals general #stockpile.'
9. Now the# SacredHeart Childrens Hospital, claims there's no #record of Baby #Alex being at the hospital-despite ample #evidence, including pictures, medical bills, and his #DeathCertificate.
- What is going on here?
The #Criminal Cases Against Petro #Poroshenko, Explained | 17.6.2020
- has been the target of a multitude of criminal cases ever since he lost the election to Volodymyr #Zelenskyy in 2019.