Something fizzy
Shake it up
Play some jazz.
That place had more action than NYC in a Marvel comics book
You know you're in for a party now.
Kwok also plays the true hero of this movie - Mad Dog.
one says how much his wife worries about him.
Dead Meat.
"they can bust through two oil drums, come out and kill a guy."
probably the Norinco Type 54 ( Chinese made Tokarev TT-33) 9x19mm…
Step on the bird cage - two sample pistols pop out
Tequila goes airborne over a booth and two guns some bastard into oblivion.
Tequila dodges and lands on the stair rail.
It's time.

Just now the HK police reinforcements arrive.
pew pew pew - they're all shot by SMG guy who flees back upstairs as Tequila shoots back.
SMG guy shoots so many rounds he sets off a flour explosion!
Then Tequila shoots the now helpless SMG guy in the face.
Tequila is all covered in flour - looks like ghost.
After shooting SMG guy Tequila's face is covered in gore.
Great image!
We're Just Warming Up.
Boss to Tequila: Oh well done. You're such an asset.
(Sarcasm Is Not Helpful!)
(to be fair, the tea house looks like Omaha Beach on June 6)
Boss: Give the guy a gun and he's Superman.
Give him two and he's God.
Pulls sheet off one (of many) corpses, salutes.
Uh-oh, undercover cop got killed!
(Tony Leung - the next cop to go undercover)
Sits down in front of another guy.
Asks he why he betrayed the boss.
Pulls silenced pistol out of book
(actually you don't know Tony Leung (Alan) is a cop yet)
wow, HK cops can murder people!
Tequila analyzes the blood spatter. Deduces the gun was in a book and finds the book! (A Shakespeare volume)
Yeah, Alan put the bloody book back on the shelf.
Anyway, Tequila is not just the world's best gunfighter, he's also Sherlock!
He feels bad about flat-out MURDERING people so he makes origami birds and drops them in the ocean.
Ok, then.
Office lady (T's ex-girlfriend) getting flowers delivered.
She needs Tequila (a musician, also) to sing the song in the note with the flowers.
He signs, she writes down the notes.
The musical notes DECODE INTO A SECRET MESSAGE from an undercover cop!!!
I love that this flick doesn't just have a gang of gun runners.
It has TWO gangs of gun runners - who don't like each other!
Hui's gang was meeting in garden. Birds were singing
This gang meets in a grimy place. They must be the BAD gang!
Also, first Phillip Kwok (Mad Dog) sighting.
The Bad Gang is led by Johnny Wong (played another great actor, Anthony Wong)

A double agent! Such treachery.
Wong: My arms business is real money. It's world wide. Wherever there's war, there's Johnny.
Most things go in and out of fashion-- except war, my friend.
Tequila's work.
He then punches out Wong.
"I'm on your case, scum. If I find anything, I bust you."
This is in front of all of Wong's men. Wong is losing a lot of face.
Alan convinces Wong not to kill Tequila on the street in broad daylight.
Informant tells him Wong is going to take out Hui and all his inventory tonight.
He warns Tequila that Wong "He's not quite sane."
Obviously, the informant is DEAD MEAT.
The boss is so angry he yells at him IN ENGLISH "This is a fucking order!"
Wong calls Alan and asks him to help out. Alan accepts.
Wong's convoy moves towards Hui - led by a V formation of motorcycle maniacs.
BTW, the boss cop cancelled the police raid when he took Tequila off the case...
Mad Dog *slides* his cycle into a big room and SMGs everybody while sliding across the floor.
Hui, an idiot, goes to the warehouse.
Who's that sneaking around in the back...?
OMG, Tequila disobeyed orders! He's carrying EVERY GUN EVER MADE and is going to take down this raid by himself.
Wong tells his men to hide so it looks like the raid is finished. Even Hui isn't stupid enough to drive into building full of Wong's men.
The signal is given and about 1,000 of Wong's men jump out of hiding and surround the dozen or so of Hui's men.
Did Hui's gambit work? Will his men be spared?
Alan SMGs them mercilessly!
SUDDENLY, tear gas grenades rain down from the ceiling.
They run around...
TEQUILA swings down on a rope from the ceiling SMGing anybody he feels like!!
he blows up real good.
Tequila's airborne shots do Quad Damage!
Tequila hits the gas tank again. The explosion is even bigger.
He starts shooting at Tequila - using only 1 gun.
Outraged, Tequila returns fire with a big revolver and the shotgun. Alan scurries away.
Starts SMGing the area of Tequila. Tequila pushes a car to create rolling cover!
Then Tequila flips a hand grenade at Mad Dog. Note that he doesn't even LOOK at Mad Dog - the grenade explodes right in front of Mad Dog. Surely killing him.
Alan pops up. Another John Woo Handgun standoff... No! Tequila pulls the trigger on his revolver... <click> Out of ammo!
he decocks the hammer on his pistol and leaves! With a big grin on his face?!
Next day, Alan is sailing. He screams in rage and anguish.
Boss tells him to STFU.
Tequila passes around a sketch of Alan - his informant recognizes it and tell him where Alan lives.
It seems the big prize is Wong's massive arsenal. The cops still don't know where it is. That's what Alan is trying to find out.
There Are A Lot Of Birds.
Remnants of Hui's gang out for revenge on Alan.
A shotgunner gets the first shot and wounds Alan. But he's Alan so he shrugs off a few buckshots.
Alan and Tequila obliterate the rest.
Wong shows up, Tequila fades away.
He seems very familiar with that hospital.....
Wong figured out that Tequila's informant told Hui's remnants where Alan was. Wong vows to Alan that he'll kill him.
They catch the informant. Alan beats him, slips a lighter into his coat pocket.
Shoots him (in the lighter) and the informant falls into the ocean.
Since the hospital is under control of Wong, he's soon told the informant is still alive.
Wong agrees but now he's getting suspicious and sends some minions along to "help" Alan.
Mad Dog and Alan (working independently) approach the room.
Alan is able slip a warning to Tequila so he moves the informant to another room.
He runs into Mad Dog and ... squick.
T and A check up on the informant, find only a blood trail. They see Mad Dog's back and chase him.
Tequila's ex shows up. She has blueprints and they figure out exactly where the arsenal must be. he tells her to wait for his signal and then evacuate the patients. (they're still trying to get the rest of the cops there, too)
Meanwhile, cops, disguised as patients start to enter the waiting room.
BTW, Tequila has already passed the EVACUATE note to his ex - but he didn't tell her. She'll find it in her pocket eventually.
Tequila puts on his Sherlock cap and looks at the records. He's sees there corpse lockers that are Never Used.
That's the disguised arsenal entrance!
he's got a lot of hats!
But the now exposed conduit does have a lot of arcing wires that are related to opening the door.
Big electrical arc.
Alan goes down, hard. Twitching.
His heart has stopped.
meanwhile, the door to the arsenal is opening!
While he does that, guess who is INSIDE the arsenal investigating the disturbance?

Mad Dog reconsider the wisdom of being in a fire fight with a single shot hand gun and fades away.
Our heroes are left in the arsenal surrounded by EVERY GUN EVER MADE. It looks like the scene from the Matrix.
at the same time the ex-girlfriend notices the EVACUATE note.
Meanwhile, the ex pulls the fire alarm to force an evacuation.
Wong sees this on the security TV and orders the fire extinguisher gas to be turned on in the armory - which will asphyxiate everybody.
The ex goes to the creche and tries to help evacuate babies.
Wong: A cop's just a human being with a gun. he's not immortal.
Tequila and Alan arm up and .. oh, look at that! Bundles and bundles of C4 explosive are on one wall.
Meanwhile, Wong's men are setting up remote control explosives all over the hospital.
Man, the HK police are in trouble. if only they had an elite unit of bad asses...
Marine hat ON.
"All problems can be solved by the proper application of high explosives"
T and A enter the morgue guns ablaze and kill about 10 minions.
Wong: You scared?
Mad Dog: "... some things in life are out of line."
Wong: What's this about out of line?
Undercover cops knock the patients down. The minions are left standing. BOOM BOOM goes Tequila's shot gun.
Alan DUAL WIELDS SUB-MACHINE GUNS and solves that problem!
Ex-girlfriend drags Tequila to the creche to help with the babies.
The Hong Kong NINJA POLICE show up!
They break into the hospital windows, swinging on ropes, and kick UNHOLY ASS.
Nothing Can Stop The Ninja Police!!
Then they reach the creche.
Tequila asks them to help evac the babies.
There are fires all over the hospital. The Babies Must Be Saved!
But babies have the power to de-ninja! The ninja police are now lowly redshirts and the minions start to massacre them!
Shit Is About To Get Real.
When T and A enter the elevator... they're in a movie studio. It's not an elevator!
Then he kills an undercover cop by accident.
Enter Mad Dog!
Screw that single shot hand gun.
Now he has an assault rifle with a GRENADE LAUNCHER.
Meanwhile, ninja cops go for more babies. But the power of babies de-ninja them and they're shot to ribbons.
<load grenade launcher>
Ex-girlfriend picks up a pistol.
Minion slaps her. "Bitch!"
She shoots him. A lot.
Tequila hears that on the radio of the ninja cop that Mad Dog killed.
Tequila will leave Alan to deal with Mad Dog while he helps with the babies.
Alan and Mad Dog have the classic run down parallel corridors shooting at each other through windows. Ahhh.
She hears a cry.
One More Baby Left!
Tequila will go back for it.
He's shooting them up, gun in one hand, baby in the other arm while singing soothing songs to the baby!
Then wind up in the same room with a dozen huddled patients on the floor between them.
Classic John Woo pistol standoff begins.
Both he and Alan place their guns on the floor and order the nurses to get the patients out of the way.
There's a gun fight to finish!
Mad Dog is stunned.
Then he picks up his gun and shoots the SMG out of Wong's hand!!
Mad Dog: You didn't have to kill them
Wong: I kill whoever's in my way! Don't question me! Bastard. Go on.
Mad Dog shoots at Wong... MISSES. That's the last shot in his gun.
Wong turns him inside out with a shotgun.
Mad Dog RIP.
Wong is close behind with the world's biggest shotgun. Some sort of street sweeper.
Wong holds up a remote detonater! Says he'll blow up the hospital. (there are now small bomb All Over the hospital)
and walks away with the detonator.
Wong pushes the button. Bombs start to explode. Not all at once. The ones in the arsenal go first.
Flames separate Alan and Tequila. Alan has no clear way out anyway.
As he runs, bombs keep going off behind him, narrowly missing him.
Very Cool!
He sees a hefty telephone cable.
stuffs the baby in his jacket and leaps out the window, holding the cable!
On the way, a jet of flame hits him and his pants are on fire.
Wong holds a gun to Alan's head - hides behind him.
Wong: I thought you were a supercop. But you're a man, like the rest.
Tequila slaps himself.
Wong: now the other cheek, like Jesus said.
Tequila slaps his other cheek
Eventually Alan grabs the gun, forcing towards his body.
Wong shoots, then
OR, he's actually dead and that represents him passing into the afterlife.
since he's all bandaged, I assume he's alive.…