Abstraction alone is a flawed base for programming.
I think the solution is in the study of the mind itself: psychology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy, andragogy, and human-related parts of linguistics, game theory, systems design, and other sciences.
A good solution can only come once programmers have decades of insight into psychology and the mind.
A linguist, pedagogue, or psychologist would tell you such similar names are easily confused.
A career in programming is a sad life of collecting catch-22s.
This is how we reason and learn: by analogy, not abstraction. And it's possible.
Programmers are all just bad philosophers.
Just you wait til you get to Wittgenstein, he has some heavy ideas for you:
Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language - also Wittgenstein
the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language - Wittgenstein
Logic must look after itself - Wittgenstein too
His considerations obviously have deep connections to *and* impact on programming. Just wait til you find out there are other philosophers.
Coding is a sequel to Darmok.
We should study this. Make stories a PL feature.
I don't think that's right, Vinod. For the hardest tech to grow they're crucial, in a direct, non-bs way. See rest of thread.