@BillGalvano: "Correct."
@BillGalvano: "That would be left to the sheriff's department."
@BillGalvano: "Yes."
(It's called the marshal program because the teachers would be partially deputized by local sheriffs.)
1. Would have "no authority to act in any law enforcement capacity" except to engage an active shooter.
2. Would not be given arrest powers.
3. Would need 132 hours of training.
.@BillGalvano: "I did not want to include, at this point, a complete ban on the purchase of firearms."
assailant incidents." But what does that mean? 1/2
There would be questions of, "What authority did they (the teacher) have, and was it reasonable, to take action against a misidentified student?"
But it's not thrilling TV. Despite strong opinions on this subject, the questioning between @BillGalvano and his fellow senators has been sober and specific.
The bill creates a way for police to petition a judge to have someone's guns and ammo taken away if the person is a "significant danger" to themselves or others.
Upcoming: debate and votes on various gun restrictions, including on an assault weapons ban.
Amendment fails.
Next amendment is an assault weapon ban and high-capacity magazines sponsored by @LindaStewartFL.
@FarmerForFLSen: "The root common denominator of all mass shootings is, in fact, the instrument used."
"They may, by some, be used for sport, but that is not their intended use. ... I don't see a valid sporting use of an AR-15 for hunting deer or duck."
He says guns are not just for robbers and self-defense, but for "the government that has gone awry."
"What I do know is that I can do something about weapons of mass killings."

It fails.
They're missing a far more common danger: accidental shootings. Even police have accidental shootings.
In 2014, a Utah middle school teacher mishandled her handgun and fired into a toilet.
Also that year, a prof in Idaho accidentally shot himself in the foot at @IdahoStateU.
"We're seeking to transform school security in Florida."
But marshal program "splits us down the middle."
And again that one fails.
@BillGalvano says he's against it.
No discussion from anyone else. "Clearly there's a lot of fatigue in the room," Farmer says.
With @BillGalvano's support, it passes unanimously. (!)
On the other hand, the current bill restricts ALL licensed sales to people under 21, and that would be eliminated with Simmons' proposal.
I don't see this one getting far...
@BillGalvano also sounds a little confused, saying the amendment is only advisory, and he does not support it.
It fails.
And that fails.