Thread #1 (link below) reached 44 tweets on the first day, so it's time to start another.
Florida has a big problem.
Fire Dept has confirmed 4 deaths. People were injured while walking under the bridge and construction workers on top of it were also injured, some critically.
A state DoT has quite a few responsibilities in a project such as this.
Here's their hastily written fact sheet:…
He got the Fact Sheet all wrong. It reads more like a Don't Blame Us We Did Nothing Wrong plea than a Fact Sheet.
Calm down, Dick.
It wasn't necessary to labor the point, it's insensitive to others, & you look dodgy.
Roading engineers write a document as if it's part of an operations manual. But this document will stand alone, representing the state government.
Which may be a lesson for state govt CEOs.
Until we learn the lessons, the pattern will keep repeating.
>Steel rods made to the required standard
>Steel joins (welds) done to the required standard
>Rods close enough together
>Every crossover point properly tied
>Not exposed to the elements for too long
>Ingredients of the concrete at the required standard
>Mixed in the right quantities
>Poured to the required thickness
>Allowed to cure in the correct way
Any of these steel or concrete variables could cause a failure.
I welcome the lawsuits. But the cost will lead to premium increases.
FIU does.
Do you see any missing terms in the statement below? (Rhetorical question).
SAFETY must always come first. It must never be compromised. Sadly, in governments the world over, it often is.
Who can change this? Citizens.
I think the order of the project stages was the main cause + not closing the road for long enough + whatever else is found
Late last night officials declared the operation is no longer a rescue and is now a recovery.😐…
Buy a dashcam for your own risk mgmt.…
Funder: US DoT
Funder's monitoring agent: FL DoT
Procurer/client: FIU
Contractors: FIGG & MCM (with sub-Cs)
Road owner: FL DoT (a different division)
Responsibilities between these must be precisely documented, and enforceable.
ANY site in doubt must be closed NOW.
Some engineers keep quiet to save their own skin.
Certainly, electing Trump has gotten us halfway to a safer USA & world. We have more work to do.
Thanks for reading and commenting thus far.…
Alberto Arias, 54
Navaro Brown, 37
Alexa Duran, 18
Rolando Fraga Hernandez, 60
Osvaldo Gonzalez, 57
Brandon Brownfield, 39