This is my 1st thread highlighting how animal bones can answer important questions in the ancient Mediterranean
#Zooarchaeology is often thought of as a niche study, but it relates to traditional forms of evidence
#scicomm #humanities

For example, according to the TLG the lemma hippos (horse) is the 13th most common term in Homer’s Iliad (417 mentions). Horses were important to epic warfare

But texts don’t tell the whole picture about #AncientAnimals
Pigs are only mentioned once in Hesiod: boars should be castrated on the 8th day of the month (WD 790)

Yet, every major faunal assemblage I’ve studied has at least one example of a butchered dog
The butchered jawbone here is from Crete

We should not read these as photographs depicting the literal past
After all, #BlueMonkeys and mythical species are not real!

Notice the hooves, identifying them as legs?
Their floppy nature might make them deboned thighs

Most texts specify the burning of fat-wrapped thigh bones, but most images depict a curling tail on an altar
The curl is a sign of good luck
Experiments show the tail (almost) always curls…

Thighs & tails are commonly burned but so are other elements From heads or horns to lower legs to jawbones and forelimbs
Different sites at different times show different patterns

Not only do we find finished products but also workshop refuse, adding to our understanding of ancient crafts
#Boneworking is similar to woodworking but bone survives more often

Example: the recently discovered horse burials from the cemetery at Phaleron

They aren’t pretty, but are really interesting
They tell a lot about food and even trash disposal

All bones and no play...

I’ll delve deeper into many topics, including my research & Postdoc project on zooarch of #Azoria at the #WienerLab of @ASCSAthens
If you have questions, ask!
And please share!
#scicomm #humanities #ClassicsTwitter #ZooarchTwitter

/1 Goat skulls from the #WienerLab @ASCSAthens
/2 Iliad word cloud from the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
/3 Pigs from a French sanglier farm
/4 For more on butchered dog see L Snyder & W Klippel “From Lerna to Kastro: Further Thoughts on Dogs as Food in Ancient Greece”
/5 Blue monkey fresco from Akrotiri, Thira Museum
/6 Deboned hindlimbs from V. Tsoukala “Honorary Shares of Sacrificial Meat in Attic Vase Painting” @ascsapubs
/7 Curling tail from G. Ekroth “Thighs or Tails? The Osteological Evidence as a Source for Greek Ritual Norms”
/8 Burned & articulating goat ankle
/9 Worked bone ornament & refuse
/10 For more on Phaleron cemetery see
/11 Lots o’ bones in this bag
/12 Cleaver chopped shoulder and hip joints
*All unattributed photos by Joni Martini (my wife) or me