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Faisal Islam @faisalislam
7 years ago, 9 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Brexit minister Steve Baker on this loss on Lords meaningful vote:
“what this does is hand unprecedented constitutional powers to Parliament to direct the govt in these negotiations, and to direct them to do anything even keeping UK in EU indefinitely”
Me: you just used phrase “unprecedented constitutional power”, but isn’t whole point of Brexit Parliament is sovereign, Commons decide?
SB: this is an unprecedented/unworkable power. Intl negotiations rely on Govt negotiating on behalf of country before PArliament ratifies a deal
Baker: “what this does is put Parliament in position of directing the Govt in international negotiations, and that is unprecedented and could have serious ramifications for our strength in negotiations, we do not want our hand in negotiations...
Me: Isn’t your hand weakened because you cant necessarily command a majority for the deal the PM might bring back from the EU?
Baker: This is a time for the whole country to get behind our negotiations on our exit from the EU... Now its time for Parliament to back the Government
Me: Opposition sources suggest that this amendment would stop No agree with that dont you?
Baker: Today outside Parliament there are people protesting to stop Brexit, and I am clear that what this amendment is seeking to do is to give Parliament the opp to stop Brexit
Me: If the Commons doesnt like the deal that the PM brings back from Brussels, what is it supposed to do? If the end result of the negotiations damages their constituencies?
Baker: we expect to bring back a deal that Parliament will be content to support
Baker: We have been v clear that the public voted to leave and we’re going to deliver on that vote and that means we can either move forward with an agreement or we can move forward and exit the EU without an agreement
Me: amendment goes back to Commons at some point, they arent going to give up this power offered on their plate?
Baker: I expect that HoC will be persuaded that it is wrong to hand unprecedented power to Parliament overthe Executive in this negotiation on our future relationship
Me: expectation was ping pong would occur in May or June, could it be delayed until Autumn?
Baker: We need to achieve Royal Assent so we can leave the EU with certainty, continuity and control. I’d appeal to all Parliamentarians to ensure its swift passage in working condition
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