This volume outlines the sources and materials from which African history has been constructed and describes the research methodology employed by historians.… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (7)

This volume covers the period from the end of the Neolithic era to the beginning of the seventh century of our era.… @UNESCO (8)

This volume deals with the interactions between the new civilization, with its substantial religious component, African cultural traditions and the Bantu expansion,… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (9)

This volume outlines the development of the great empires and kingdoms, the expansion of Islam, the extension of trading relations, cultural exchanges and human contacts;… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (10)

This period is marked by the end of the great indigenous empires and the early contacts with Europeans. The system of exploitation of Africas human resources by Europe and America… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (11)

Major revolutions took place in Africa during this period: the Mfecane in southern Africa and the Islamic revolutions in West Africa resulted in the emergence of new States.… @UNESCO (12)

Africa was partitioned and colonized by the Europeans. After military conquest came the commercial exploitation of the wealth of Africa. The intensity of resistance ...… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (13)

This volume examines the period from 1935 to the present day. As liberation from colonial rule progresses, the political, economic and cultural dimensions of the continent are analysed.… #AfricanHistory @UNESCO (14)