Operation “Crossfire Hurricane”
1. When we talk about the failed coup attempt by the intelligence services in America, there are 2 story-lines.
One is the television version, the version that is openly spit at you by the msm propagandist.

This one manifests itself immediately, as soon as a person turns off the TV & begins to think independently.
This cover-up endeavor has been their primary focus since congress started demanding documentary evidence from the DOJ, FBI, State Department & intelligence participants in the scheme.

" the foundation for their FISA Title-1 Surveillance application against Carter Page."
Surveillance was a key part of the FBI counterintelligence operation to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.

each lie a thread rolled into a bigger ball of entwined nonsense.
Look at it from a distance -it looks like a vast Russian conspiracy ball;
however, pull any single strand out, look at it, & there’s no truth to it.

refused to attend.
~coordinate talking points
~circle the wagons
~reach a consensus on justification.
Now we discover Mueller indicted Russian orgs that didn’t even exist during the time they were supposed to have been engaged in election trouble.
… Well, from the Russian investigative evidence inside the ICA…
(An ICA that was based on false thin threads.)
OK, but when they do, there’s no ‘there’ there either.
Social media?
Look at Russian spending on campaign events….
OK, but when they do, they get the same thing… NOTHING.

It’s all nuts….
and as each thread is carefully pulled...removed ..and reviewed;
the illusion is collapsing.

During Watergate, the Nixon admn tried to organize wiretapping of his political opponents.
However, only a few employees of his admn were involved.
Obamagate, 17 intel services were involved.
as fake as the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

However, their "leaked" excuses/justifications are so ridiculous they are transparently desperate.
"Within hrs of opening an investigation into the @realDonaldTrump campaign’s ties to Russia (summer 2016) the FBI dispatched a pair of agents to London on a mission so secretive that all but a handful of officials were kept in the dark."
Guess Who?
So, turns out secret FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were text messaging each other about it?
…Their assignment, which has not been previously reported,..well actually it was (if you've been reading Mr. & Mistress' past texts)

Jul 29, Strzok asked Lisa if she discussed "new case" w/McCabe.
Jul 30, ignorant Page summarizes Russian lit, music & art as "couple of good writers &artists".Strzok wonders if mistress can arrange to go to London w/ him.

"damn, this feels momentous...Because this matters"
He's then headed towards London meetings,
almost certainly abt supposed @realDonaldTrump collusion.

[point of contact with US government] in London when he needed it.

Details redacted. Lisa was impressed though:
"Whoa." She reminded Strzok to make sure he can
"lawfully" conceal ("protect") info from congress, or from a FOIA.
Strzok wasn't worried.

Strzok is about to interview someone interesting - name redacted.

Strzok sends Lisa a "lot to read"
Recalls some details from interview that he hadn't remembered.
Ponders that he needed to jot them down.
Another redacted comment.

UK has asked that they
not "disclose identities" outside the FBI,
raising questions about DOJ disclosure.
Lengthy redaction.

The leakers r trying to frame justification for the upcoming released name of apparatchik Stefan Halper, &how he participated in organizing all of these “unofficial” meet-ups. theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/12/hin…
But at the time, a small group of FBI officials knew it by its code name:
"Crossfire Hurricane."
This para is written by the NYTimes bc Andrew McCarthy finally broke down &read the darned messages &wrote abt this specific mtg &what the FBI did upon Strzok’s return from London. nationalreview.com/2018/05/strzok…

"Agents considered, then rejected interviewing key Trump assocs, which might have sped up the investigatn but risked revealing existence of the case....
"Fearful of leaks, they kept details fr political appointees across the street at the Justice Dept. Peter Strzok, a senior FBI agent, explnd in a txt that Justice Dept officials wld find it too “tasty” to resist sharing.“I’m not worried abt our side,”
he wrote.
See what they’re doing here?
Political spin or Cover-Up as in CYA
There's more.
"Comey was briefed regularly on the Russia investigation, but one official said those briefings focused mostly on hacking & election interference. The Crossfire Hurricane team did not present many crucial decisions for Mr. Comey to make."
Who Are These "Top Officials?"
"The FBI obtained ph recrds & other docs using national security ltrs (a secret type of subpoena) officials said. And at least 1govt informant met several times with Mr. Page & Mr. Papadopoulos, current &former officials said....
D’oh!! there it is again… keeping Comey ‘willfully’ in the dark again.
it would reinforce Trump’s impressions of FBI &DOJ wire-tapping, spying &surveillance on him
Seriously, it’s their excuse.
(looking into the ILLEGALITY of FISA court abuses)
will reveal much of this...
Bec if the scandal is as many ppl suspect, we need to be talking abt locking ppl up, not just issuing a report.
They know it, and their justifications in the New York Times proves they know it.

is dead.

illegally used access to FBI & NSA databases for campaign oppo research.
~But they needed justification
so along came the sketchy counterintel operation.....
so along came a fake Dossier 2get a FISA warrant
~But they needed cover
so along came the Russian Conspiracy
~But they needed cover
so along came the Special Counsel
Many are calling for @realDonaldTrump to sack Mueller and close his shop.
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump needs to declassify all of this "Russian case" at once.
He has a right to do it, & no one will dare blame Trump for obstruction of justice.
"Crossfire Hurricane"